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Service jetties and wharves

Find out about fees and the conditions of use of service jetties and wharves at our maritime facilities.

There are service jetties and wharves at many of Department of Transport (DoT) managed maritime facilities across WA.

These service jetties and wharves provide vessel access for:

  • refuelling;
  • loading and unloading;
  • picking up and setting down passengers;
  • casual berthing; and
  • vessel maintenance (in some cases).

Use of DoT service jetties or wharves is subject to availability.

General conditions of use

Generally, service jetties or wharves are intended for short term use, not for extended berthing.

In locations where daily and overnight use is permitted there are fees for extended berthing.

Contact the DoT managed maritime facility in advance to apply for use of a service jetty or wharf and ensure availability.

You must vacate the service jetty or wharf to facilitate other operations if requested by a DoT Officer or authorised person.

Your vessel must be always manned by a competent person while using the service jetty or wharf to ensure it can be moved to make way for other vessels and operations.


See below for current fees for use of DoT service jetties and wharves.

All fees quoted are inclusive of GST and should be paid in advance.

For fee calculation purposes, vessel length refers to the overall vessel length rounded down to the nearest whole metre.

Statewide service jetty and wharf fees (excluding service vessels at Exmouth, Onslow and Point Samson)

Fee type
Recreational vessel of less than 25 metres in length, use of service jetty or wharf, alongside berth, pen or pile mooring - per day
Recreational vessel of 25 metres or more in length, use of service jetty or wharf, alongside berth, pen or pile mooring - per day, per metre of vessel length
Commercial vessel use of service jetty or wharf - per day, per metre of the vessel length
Short-term use of service jetty or wharf for any vessel (excluding service vessels at Exmouth, Onslow and Point Samson) – 12 months paid in advance, per metre of the vessel length

If you have paid an annual fee for use of the service jetty or wharf, or for vessel accommodation at a DoT managed maritime facility then no further charges will apply for the use of any DoT service jetty or wharf for up to 1 hour in any 24-hour period, subject to availability.

This excludes Swan and Canning River jetties where vessels can only stay at a jetty or wharf for 15 minutes or less at a time.

If you want to use a service jetty or wharf for longer than 1 hour in a 24-hour period, the applicable daily fee will apply. 

If you have paid for vessel accommodation of 3 months or more at Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour or Fremantle Challenger Boat Harbour, you are entitled to use any DoT managed jetty in the Swan Canning Rivers for up to 15 minutes at a time. This excludes event days at Burswood Jetty.

If a vessel is refuelling, then there is no charge for use of a service jetty or wharf while refuelling simultaneous loading/unloading operations (if applicable) are continuously in progress.

The 1 hour in a 24-hour period limit may be extended for licensed fishing vessels to complete active loading or unloading operations.

Service vessel use of service wharf at Exmouth, Onslow and Point Samson

Fee type
Use of service wharf, per 6 consecutive hours or part thereof - per metre of the vessel length

Other service jetty and wharf fees

Fee type
Fuel wharfage fee, per litre
For use of service wharf/jetty hardstand or appurtenant area for storage or maintenance - per day, per m2
Cruise liner transfer vessel use of pen, berth, service jetty or wharf to load or unload passengers
per day, per metre of the vessel length
plus, per passenger
General cargo at the service jetty or wharf or appurtenant area controlled by the Department
If loaded from or into vessel, per tonne or m³
If vessel is lifted to or from harbour, per metre of the vessel length, per lift

Annual short term use

If you need regular, short-term access to our service jetties or wharves and are not a DoT vessel accommodation customer, you can apply for an annual for short term use permit.

The permit provides access to any DoT service jetty or wharf for up to 1 hour in any 24-hour period, subject to availability.

It excludes Swan and Canning River jetties where vessels can only stay at a jetty or wharf for 15 minutes or less at a time, or on event days at Burswood Jetty.

To apply, complete and submit an application form to your nearest harbour management office.

You will be issued with a permit once payment has been received.

Contact us

For more information about DoT service jetties and wharves, email facilityfees@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Thu Dec 12 2024 1:49:02 PM