Aquatic Use Reviews (AUR)
We conduct regular aquatic reviews to ensure the safe, equitable and sustainable use of WA's important waterways.
The Department of Transport undertakes regular Aquatic Use Reviews (AUR) throughout WA to ensure the safe, equitable and sustainable use of the State's waterways.
Minor localised reviews may also be undertaken outside of a full AUR to cater for new types of activities in an area or to address site specific conflicts that arise between users from time to time.
The Department follows a standard process in completing all AURs to ensure that all views and options are considered and to ensure the broader community has the opportunity to provide feedback on any proposed changes.
If you wish to find out more about an AUR currently underway or see if an AUR is being considered in your area, please contact our Navigational Safety team at
Completed Aquatic Use Reviews (AUR)
Bunbury Aquatic Use Review
The Department of Transport (DoT) has completed a review of aquatic use of the waters of Bunbury and the Casuarina Boat Harbour ensuing the ongoing safety, equitable use, and sustainability of this important waterway. The DoT would like to thank everyone for their interest and participation.
The review looked at current management arrangements in place and proposed improvements, including the future use of Koombana Bay for water-skiing, swimmer safety, speed limits and restricted access for vessels.
Changes are to take effect as of Friday 21 February 2025 including a reduction in the area for water-skiing at Koombana Bay, to accommodate the Casuarina Boat Harbour expansion, revised speed restricted areas and increased motorised vessel prohibited areas at Koombana Beach and the Casuarina Boat Harbour. Improved Navigational Aid infrastructure will also be implemented to provided for the safe access of all vessels utilising the Casuarina Boat Harbour redevelopment.
The changes follow extensive consultation with state and local government authorities and the general public through online surveys. These changes have been adopted in full after careful consideration of the feedback received, providing a majority of support for the proposals.
To download the Bunbury Busselton Boating guide visit our Boating guides page.
Bunbury Aquatic Use Review 2025 | 757 Kb |
Wellington Dam
The Department of Transport (DoT) has completed the review of aquatic use of the waters of Wellington Dam ensuring the ongoing safe, equitable and sustainable use of this important waterway.
The review looked at the current management arrangements in place including the ongoing use of Wellington Dam for water-skiing and the restricted access for vessels.
Changes to take effect as of 11 October 2022 include the removal of the water ski area, lifting of the previous closure to motorised vessels to permit vessels fitted with an engine capacity of 6 Hp or less explore the waterways of Wellington Dam. Vessels with an engine capacity greater than 6 horse power including Personal Water Craft will remain prohibited on all waters of Wellington Dam.
The changes follow extensive consultation with state and local government authorities and feedback from nearly 800 people completing the online survey.
This outcome supports the strong desire of the key local managing authorities to preserve the dam’s natural amenity with only passive activities and will also allow development of potential, future water-based tourism activities.
The recent gazettal of Lake Kepwari as a dedicated water ski facility in Mid-2020 and continued availability of areas nearby for water skiing will ensure adequate water ski locations remain available for enthusiasts.
For a free copy of the Wellington Dam Boating guide visit our Boating guides page.
Pic: Russell Ord Photography
Swan River (Upper Reaches) Aquatic Use Review
The Department of Transport (DoT) has completed the review of aquatic use of the waters of the Swan River upstream of the Windan Bridge ensuring the ongoing safe, equitable and sustainable use of this important waterway.
The review looked at the current management arrangements in place including the boundary of the water ski area at Belmont and following repeated requests for change to the current rules, DoT included a proposed two-year trial for personal water craft (PWC) to operate upstream of the Windan Bridge, under strict conditions.
The review attracted a high level of interest and comment from a diverse range of riverpark users with more than half identifying as paddle craft users and around one quarter being recreational boat owners.
Following consideration of feedback no changes will be made to the current arrangements.
![[DoT Image]](/images-content/marine/MAC_I_UpperSwan.jpg)