Contacting DoT

Keep up to date with how some of our services have changed in response to COVID-19.

Call Centre availability

Our call centre is open from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Attending a Transport Services Centre

Our Transport Services Centres continue to open as normal.

Face masks must be worn during PDAs in the following regions:

  • Perth
  • Peel
  • South West
  • Great Southern
  • Wheatbelt

We ask that you continue to observe physical distancing where possible, practise good hygiene and sign in using the ServiceWA app, SafeWA app or sign a contact register.

If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms, you must not attend a centre.

We encourage you to use our online services rather than visit us.

Translating and interpreting

Translation and interpreter services are available for DoT customers. For further information about COVID in languages other than English, visit COVID-19 coronavirus: Advice in other languages.

Page last updated: Fri Jan 28 2022 10:36:16 AM