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Jurien Bay Harbour cam

Access the live and archived images from the coast cam at Jurien Bay Harbour.

The Jurien Bay Harbour web cam is located on the Jurien Bay Volunteer Marine Rescue Group's building. The camera has a south westerly field of view over the harbour entrance and a new image is captured every minute.

  Jurien Bay Harbour cam and archive

Use the arrow buttons beneath the image to view the image archive.

This camera is encountering technical difficulties. Check the date and time of the image
Go to time


Check other coastal conditions

View tides
View waves
Check Temporary Notices to Mariners

View the BOM Jurien Bay forecast below.

Opens in a new window Bureau of Meteorology (BOM): Jurien Bay forecast

  Jurien Bay sea and swell directional graph

The bearing of the arrow indicates the direction of the sea and swell. The point of the arrow indicates the peak energy wave period for both sea and swell.

Jurien Bay directional graph

  Jurien Bay historical wave direction graph

The coloured circles indicate the changes in sea and swell direction over time.

Jurien Bay historical wave direction graph

  Jurien Bay significant wave height graph

The significant wave height is the average height of the highest one third of waves recorded. It is often the wave height reported by an experienced observer.

Jurien Bay significant wave height graph


View WA wave data map

  Coast cam disclaimer and conditions of use


Coast cam information is provided to the public subject to the Department of Transport's disclaimer, privacy, copyright and conditions of use policy.

Page last updated: Mon Aug 26 2024 10:11:08 AM