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Recreational Skipper's Ticket skills recognition and equivalents

Find out if your commercial, interstate or overseas qualification is recognised as equivalent to the Recreational Skipper's Ticket.

You may not need to get a Recreational Skipper's Ticket (RST) if you hold a:

  • valid and current skipper's ticket from another state or country that is equivalent to the RST, or 
  • commercial marine deck certificate of competency.

If you hold an equivalent qualification, you will need it to recognised by the Department of Transport (DoT) before you can skipper a recreational vessel. 

Overseas and interstate qualifications

If you hold a valid and current skipper's ticket or boat licence from another state or country, you do not need an RST if you will be staying in Western Australia for 3 months or less.

If you intend to stay longer than 3 months, you will need to get an RST.

How to get your qualification recognised

Check the list of recognised qualifications below to see if your qualification is equivalent to an RST.

If your qualification is listed as an equivalent, you will need to present your qualifications to an authorised assessor along with:

  • Proof of identity.
  • Application form (available from the assessor).

The assessor may charge an administration fee for this service. 

Once the assessor has forwarded the confirmation to the Department of Transport, we will verify your qualification and issue you with an RST.

  Equivalent Australian qualifications

Australian qualifications - skill recognition

Location Qualification Country Full S/R
Australia Australian National Maritime Qualifications (Domestic Deck) Aus N
Australia Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal Aus Y
Australia Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal Aus Y
Australia Master (Unlimited Operational Area) Aus Y
Australia Master Inland Waters Aus Y
Australia Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal Aus Y
Australia Master up to 35 metres Near Coastal Aus Y
Australia Master up to 80 metres Near Coastal Aus Y
Australia Mate up to 80 metres Near Coastal Aus Y
Defence Forces of Australia Defence Force Personnel with marine qualifications should contact Department of Transport (Marine) on 13 11 56 Aus  
New South Wales Boat Driver Licence General. [For people 16 years and over to drive any vessel, except a PWC at 10 knots or more.] Aus Y
New South Wales Boat Driver Licence General: Young Adult Licence A restricted licence for 12 to under 16 years. Aus Y
New South Wales Boating Safety Courses run by NSW TAFE for the Maritime Services Board Boat Licence Aus N
New South Wales Personal Watercraft (PWC) Licence (Age dependent) Aus Y
Northern Territory Certificate II in Commercial Fishing (Deckhand) NT Seafood and Maritime Industries Training. Code: RP360 Aus Y
Northern Territory Certificate of Completion Recreational Vessel Operator Aus Y
Northern Territory No Licence or vessel registration is required for Northern Territory Aus N
Northern Territory Northern Territory Emergency Service Certificate of Seamanship Aus Y
Northern Territory Northern Territory of Australia Certificate of Competency as Coxswain Aus Y
Northern Territory Northern Territory Port Authority (Licence to drive a Speed Boat, Water Ski Boat or Power Ski) Aus Y
Northern Territory FESA Emergency Services Training Unit small craft handling course    Aus N
Northern Territory Temporary Permit to Serve as Coxswain Aus N
Queensland Competency to drive a water/ski boat Aus Y
Queensland Marine Board of Queensland (License as Launch Master 1958-1975) Aus Y
Queensland Personal Watercraft Licence: Issued to 16 years and over. All current QLD marine licences are valid for life as long as driver's licence is current or Marine Licence Verification Certificate is presented. Aus Y
Queensland Queensland Marine Licence Indicator Aus Y
Queensland Recreational Marine Driver Licence Issued to 16 years and over. All current QLD marine licences are valid for life as long as driver's licence is current or Marine Licence Verification Certificate is presented. Aus Y
Queensland Small Vessel Operators Certificate (Queensland Fishing Industry Training Council Inc.) Aus Y
Queensland Speed Boat Driver's Licence Issued to 16 years and over. All current QLD marine licences are valid for life as long as driver's licence is current or Marine Licence Verification Certificate is presented. Aus Y
Queensland The Marine Board of Queensland Certificate of Competency Coxswain Aus Y
South Australia Boat Operator's Licence For 16 years and over Aus Y
South Australia Licence to operate a motor boat Aus Y
South Australia Personal Watercraft (PWC) Licence (Age dependent) Aus Y
South Australia Special Boat Operator's Licence A restricted licence for 12 16 years Aus Y
Tasmania Certificate of Competency as Coxswain (various versions) Aus Y
Tasmania Licence to Drive a Speed Boat. Issued to 17 years and over. Licences are issued in perpetuity Aus Y
Tasmania Motor Boat Licence (Valid for 3 years) Aus Y
Tasmania Provisional Motor Boat Licence Is for 12 to 17 years of age (Valid for 3 years) Aus Y
Victoria Boat Operator Licence (Victoria Australia) Aus Y
Victoria Course in Recreation Boat Operation Aus Y
Victoria Marine Board of Victoria Certificate of Competency As Coxswain Aus Y
Victoria Marine Licence (Victoria Australia) Aus Y
Victoria Personal Watercraft (PWC) Licence (Age dependent) Aus Y

  Equivalent overseas qualifications

Overseas qualifications - skill recognition

Location Qualification Country Full S/R
Argentina Certificado Nautico Deportivo (Ministerio De Seguridad) Arg N
Austria International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010  EU Y
Brazil, Federal Republic of Autoridade Maritima Brasileira (Brazilian Maritime Authority Cateira De Habilita Cao De Amador (Non Professional Licence Amateur Skipper) BR N
Brazil, Federal Republic of Autoridade Maritima Brasileira (Brazilian Maritime Authority) Cateira De Habilita Cao De Amador (Non Professionals Licence Card) - Amateur skipper and amateur motor-boat driver BR N
Canada Canadian Pleasure Craft Operator Card (Solely) Ca N
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Advanced Cruising Standard) Ca Y
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Basic Crew Standard - Competent Crew) Ca N
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Basic Cruising Standard) Ca Y
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Basic Power Commercial Endorsement) Ca Y
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Basic Powerboat Standard) Ca Y
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Intermediate Cruising Standard) Ca Y
Canada Canadian Yachting Association (Intermediate Powerboat Standard) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Advanced Navigator Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Advanced Skipper Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Coastal Navigator Certificate) Ca N
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Coastal Skipper Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Competent Crew Certificate) Ca N
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Offshore Navigator (Celestial) Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Offshore Skipper Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Skipper/Operator Certificate) Ca N
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Sail and Power Association (Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate) Ca Y
Canada International Yacht Training (International Bareboat Skipper [Sail or Power]) Must have completed all of International Crew Certificate + Watchkeeper + Bareboat Skipper syllabi Ca Y
Canada International Yacht Training (International Crew Certificate [Sail or Power]) Ca N
Canada International Yacht Training (International Watchkeeper Certificate [Sail or Power]) Ca N
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Coxswain Grade 1 Certificate HK Y
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Coxswain Grade 2 Certificate HK Y
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Coxswain Grade 3 Certificate HK Y
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Pleasure Vessel Certificate of Competency (Master Grade I) before 01/12/2006 HK N
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Pleasure Vessel Certificate of Competency (Master Grade II) before 01/12/2006 HK N
China, Republic of (Hong Kong) Pleasure Vessel Operator (Grade 1 and 2 after 1/12/2006) HK Y
Croatia, Republic of Boat Skipper (Boat Lider) Category B,C - Certificate of Competency CR Y
Croatia, Republic of International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Czech Republic Certificate of Competence Yachtmaster (Prukaz Zpusobilosti K Vedenei Namorni Jachty) EU Y
Czech Republic International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Denmark Danish Skippers Licence Dk N
Europe Certificate of Competence Helmsman's Overseas Certificate of Competence EU Y
Europe International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Europe International Certificate of Competency EU Y
Finland International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
France Capitaine 200 Fr Y
France Capitaine Yacht 200 Fr Y
France La Cart Mer Chef Du Quartier des Affaires Maritimes de Pete Fr Y
France Le livret professionnel maritime (LPM) (equivalent to our General Purpose Hand) Fr N
France Le Permis Mer Côtier Fr Y
France Permis de Conduire en Mer les Navires de Plaisance a Moteur Fr Y
France Permis de Conduire Les Bateaux de Plaisance a Moteur Fr Y
Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) Sportboot Fûhrerschein (German Sportsboat Operator) D Y
Germany (Bundesrepublik Deutschland) Yachten - Fûhrerschein (German Yacht Operator) D Y
Holland (Netherlands) International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Holland (Netherlands) Klein Vaarbewijs [for all levels i.e. I and II] For those who have undertaken the Practical Sail assessment contact DOT Nl N
International Maritime Organisation STCW 78 (90) Basic Safety and Security Awareness Training. Code: Reg V1/1,6 IMO N
International Yacht Training

IYT International Certificate of Competency for operators of a Pleasure Craft Code - ICCM (Please contact the Department on 9339 7851 to clarify issuing country)


International Yacht Training  Master of Yacht Limited (200t) Power and Sail (theory and practical). To obtain the power certificate / endorsement - may NOT take place on a sailboat under auxiliary engine. Cannot be shorebased      All Y
Ireland Irish Sailing Association Advanced Powerboat Certificate EU Y
Ireland Irish Sailing Association Dive Boat Coxswains Certificate EU Y
Ireland Irish Sailing Association National Powerboat Certificate EU Y
Ireland Irish Sailing Association Recreational Powerboat Certificate EU Y
Ireland Irish Sailing Association Safety Boat Certificate EU Y
Ireland ISA International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Israel Department of Small Craft - Small Craft Authorisation Certification Grade 11; 12 and 13 IL N
Israel Department of Small Craft - Small Craft Authorisation Certification Grade 20; 21; 30; 40; 50 and 60 IL Y
Italy Coast Line Fisherman Marine Fisherman ITA N
Italy Patente Di Abilitazione Al Comando Di Unita Da Diporto Skipper's Ticket up to 24m without shore limits (Ocean Yachtmaster Level) ITA Y
Italy Patente Di Abilitazione per le Imbarcazioni Da Diporto Translates as: Recreational Boat License/Permit/Qualification ITA Y
Japan Certificate of Competency as First Mate of the First Grade Ja Y
Japan Permit of Boat's Operator Ja N
Lithuania International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Luxembourg International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Mauritius, Republic of Competency Test for Skippers Mu Y
Mauritius, Republic of Pleasure Craft Skipper Licence Mu Y
Mediterranean Cruising Association Certificate of Competence The Helmsman's (Overseas) Certificate of Competence (Skipper) EU Y
Mediterranean Cruising Association MCA The Mediterranean Cruising Association Certificate of Competence UK Y
New Zealand Master of a Small Commercial Dive Boat NZ N
New Zealand NZ Boatmaster Certificate Course NZ N
New Zealand NZ Boatmaster Certificate Course with Gold Star Stamp (100hrs) or 100hrs stamp imprinted NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Chief Mate NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Commercial Launchmaster NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Inshore Fishing Skipper NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Inshore Launchmaster NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Local Launch Operator NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Master (yacht < 500gt.) NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Master (yacht) NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Qualified Fishing Deckhand NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency as Skipper of a Coastal Fishing Boat NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Certificate of Competency Master of Pleasure Yacht Coastal NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Coastal Skipper NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Day Skipper Certificate Course NZ N
New Zealand NZ NauticEd Bareboat Charter Master Levels II; III; IV and V (with Verified Proficiency Mark) This certificate can be delivered in many overseas countries NZ Y
New Zealand NZ NauticEd Captain Levels II; III; IV and V (with Verified Proficiency Mark) This certificate can be delivered in many overseas countries NZ Y
New Zealand NZ NauticEd Skipper Levels II; III; IV and V (with Verified Proficiency Mark) This certificate can be delivered in many overseas countries NZ Y
New Zealand NZ Ocean Yachtmaster NZ Y
New Zealand RNZ Coast Guard Federation (Inc.) Master of a Pleasure Yacht -Ocean (Certificate of Competency) NZ Y
New Zealand Yachtmaster Grade 1: Certificate not being issued now. The certificate above has taken its place) NZ N
Norway Norwegian Batforevis (Boat Pilot License) No N
Panama, Republic of Able Seaman   N
Panama, Republic of Certificate of Competency Capitan [Skipper]   N
Philippines, Republic of P.M.I. Colleges at Manilla - Philippines Diploma in Master Mariner Ph N
Poland Polish Motor Boat and Water Ski Association Certificate of Motor Boat Helmsman Polski Zwiazek Motorowodny Narciarstwa Wodnego Sternika Motorowodnego Pl Y
Poland Polish Yachting Association Certificate of Ocean-Going Yacht Master Polski Zwiazek Zeglarski Jachtowego Kapitana Zeglugi Wielkiej Pl Y
Portugal Carta de Navegado de Recreio (Yachtmaster's Licence) Pt Y
Portugal Certificate of Competency (Fishing) Cedula de Inscricao Maitima Pt Y
Romania International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Advanced Power Boat Certificate (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Advanced Power Boat Instructor Certificate (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Coastal Skipper (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Competent Crew (Sail Only) (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Day Skipper (Both Theory and Practical) (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Intermediate Power Boat Certificate (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Motor Cruising Scheme (received overseas only). Code: G18/03 EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA National Dayboat Proficiency scheme (received overseas only). Code: G4/78 EU N
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA National Powerboat Certificate Level II (Conducted at Royal Navy HMS establishments) (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA National Powerboat Certificate Level II (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Personal Watercraft Certificate of Proficiency (received overseas only) EU N
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Power Boat Instructor Certificate (received overseas only) EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Powerboating/Old Sportsboat (Using E.U. Resolution 40) (received overseas only). Code: G20/--- EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA Sail Cruising and Yachtmaster (received overseas only). Code: G1504 EU Y
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA/DOT Coastal Skipper and Yachtmaster Offshore Shore-based Course (received overseas only) EU N
Royal Yachting Association Certificates RYA/MCA Yachtmaster Offshore [Certificate of Competence] (received overseas only) EU Y
Singapore, Republic of Powered Pleasure Craft Driving Licence (Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore) RG Y
Singapore, Republic of ROSN Craft Coxswain Training Course (Naval Transport Base) RG N
Slovakia International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
South Africa Canoe South Africa ZA Y
South Africa Certificate of Competency as Deck Officer Dept. of South Africa ZA Y
South Africa Certificate of Competency Category's A-D and R Day Skipper Limited. Code: SAMSA ZA Y
South Africa Cruising Association of South Africa [Coastal Skipper] ZA Y
South Africa Cruising Association of South Africa [Yacht Hand] ZA N
South Africa Cruising Association of South Africa [Yacht Skipper (Local Waters)] ZA Y
South Africa Cruising Association of South Africa [Yachtmaster Ocean] ZA Y
South Africa Cruising Association of South Africa [Yachtmaster Offshore] ZA Y
South Africa National Sea Rescue Institute of South Africa ZA Y
South Africa Power Boat South Africa ZA Y
South Africa Ski-Boat from Certificate of Competency via Department of Transport SA ZA Y
South Africa Skipper of a Power Driven Vessel limited to operate within a port, fishing harbour, tidal river, lagoon, estuary and all inland waters in R.S.A (category R vessel) ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Skipper Inland waters (restricted) - Category R ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Day Skipper - Local waters (restricted) ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Day Skipper - Category B ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Day Skipper - Category C ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Day Skipper - Category E ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Coastal Skipper - Category B, Day and night operation < 9 metres ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Coastal Skipper > 9 metres ZA Y
South Africa SAMSA Skipper offshore commercial or recreational ZA Y
South Africa South African Anglers' Union Certificate of Competency (Ski-Boat) (Terminated Operation Certificate still recognised) ZA Y
South Africa South African Deep Sea Angling Association ZA Y
South Africa South African Inflatable Boat Association ZA Y
South Africa South African Institute for Skippers ZA Y
South Africa South African Police Service (Water Wing) ZA Y
South Africa South African Sailing Academy Day Skipper Also known as South African Sailing (SAS) Day Skipper) ZA Y
South Africa South African Sailing Academy [Coastal Skipper] Also known as South African Sailing (SAS) Coastal Skipper) ZA Y
South Africa South African Sailing Academy [Yacht Skipper (Local Waters)]. Code: SAMSA R. 500 (Also known as South African Sailing (SAS) Local waters skipper) ZA Y
South Africa South African Sailing Academy [Yachtmaster Ocean] (Also known as South African Sailing (SAS) Yachtmaster Ocean) ZA Y
South Africa South African Sailing Academy [Yachtmaster Offshore] (Also known as South African Sailing (SAS) Yachtsmaster Offshore) ZA Y
South Africa South African Small Craft Association [National Small Power-driven Vessel Certificate of Competence] ZA Y
South Africa South African Underwater Union ZA Y
South Africa Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competency for Motor Vessels [Professional Yachtmaster Training, Durban Association with International Yachtmaster Training (Inc.), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA] ZA Y
South Africa Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competency for Sailing Vessels (Professional Yachtmaster Training, Durban Association with International Yachtmaster Training (Inc.), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA] ZA Y
Spain Patron Dė Embarcaciones Dė Recreo EU Y
Sub Aqua Association Basic Boat Handler UK N
Sweden Swedish Diploma (Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma) [Kustskepparintyg] Se Y
Sweden Swedish Diploma (Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma) [Forarintyg] Se N
Switzerland International Certificate for Operators of Pleasure Craft Res. 40 12/02/2010 EU Y
Switzerland Sailing School Rorschach Switzerland (Yacht master's certificate) CH Y
Switzerland Schweizeerische Eidgenossenschaft (International certificate of pleasure craft operations) CH Y
Switzerland Schweizerlscher Schiffs/ Ũhrerauswels Motorboot (A-Schein) Switzerlan Motor Boat Licence CH Y
Turkey Amator Denizci Belgesi (Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft) TR N
United Kingdom Boatmaster's Licence (U.K. Dept. of Transport) UK Y
United Kingdom British Water Ski Federation: Ski Boat Driver Award (Meets RYA Level III and Res. 40 I.C.C.) UK/EU Y
United Kingdom BSAC/CDA Approved Boathandling Instructor UK Y
United Kingdom BSAC/CDA Boat Handling Seamanship for Divers UK Y
United Kingdom BSAC/CDA Diver Coxswain UK Y
United Kingdom Certificate of Competency as A.B. UK N
United Kingdom Certificate of Competency as Master of a Pleasure Yacht (Coastal) issued by Ministry of Transport UK UK Y
United Kingdom Certificate of Competency as Master of Foreign Going Vessel UK Y
United Kingdom Certificate of Efficiency as Lifeboatman UK N
United Kingdom Certificate of Efficiency as Lifeboatman (Ministry of Transport) UK N
United Kingdom Department of Transport Boatman's Licence 1993 onwards UK Y
United Kingdom Department of Transport Boatman's Licence Up to 1993 UK N
United Kingdom MCA Master of Yachts 200 Tons Limited UK Y
United Kingdom MCA The Mediterranean Cruising Association Certificate of Competence UK Y
United Kingdom Royal National Lifeboat Institution: Atlantic 21/75 lifeboat course UK Y
United Kingdom UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Seafarer Standards Branch [The Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations 1997] Officer of the Watch; Chief Mate UK Y
United States of America American Sailing Association Advance Keelboat Sailing Course USA Y
United States of America American Sailing Association Advanced Coastal Cruising Course USA Y
United States of America American Sailing Association Basic Coastal Cruising Course USA Y
United States of America American Sailing Association Basic Keelboat Sailing Course USA Y
United States of America BoatEd (for 36 States of the US) Shorebased Online Only No Practical Ass. USA N
United States of America Department of Interior Motorboat Operator Certificate Course (Florida International University) USA Y
United States of America Ocean Masters Sailing Academy (Yachtmaster) USA Y
United States of America State of New York Office Of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation Marine Services Bureau License to Operate a Public Vessel USA N
United States of America United States Coast Guard (U.S. Merchant Marine Officer) USA Y
United States of America United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) - Deckhand USA N
United States of America United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) Master < 100 tons USA Y
United States of America United States Power Squadrons - Boat Smart Course (Shorebased only) USA N
United States of America United States Sailing Bareboat Cruising USA Y
United States of America Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competency for Motor Vessels [International Yachtmaster Training (Inc.), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA] USA Y
United States of America Yachtmaster Coastal Certificate of Competency for Sailing Vessels [International Yachtmaster Training (Inc.), Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA] USA Y
Page last updated: Fri Jun 14 2024 10:12:32 AM