Welcome to DoTBot, an AI chatbot that the Department of Transport (DoT) is trialling.

DoTBot is designed to answer your questions and help you find information on our website.

Its answers are not legal advice or substitutes for professional advice.

By opening the chatbot you are agreeing to these terms:

  1. DoT cannot guarantee that the information provided by the AI chatbot is error free, complete, and appropriate for your purposes.

  2. You will verify any responses it provides before relying on it.

  3. DoT accepts no liability for any loss, damage or injury resulting from any person's use of the chatbot or reliance on its information.

  4. The chatbot may collect personal information for improving the user experience (see DoT's Privacy Policy). Please avoid sharing Personally Identifiable Information when using this chatbot.

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Contact On-demand Transport

Contact On-demand Transport for feedback or queries about the passenger transport industry in WA. We also administer and can provide advice on various travel subsidies.

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The On-demand Transport customer service counter has permanently closed

The On-demand Transport customer service counter at 20 Brown Street, East Perth has permanently closed. 

Our contact information remains the same, so you can still reach us by:

Don’t forget – you can access Department of Transport (DoT) services anywhere, anytime with DoTDirect. This includes all transactions related to passenger transport vehicle and passenger transport driver authorisations, as well as managing on-demand booking service authorisations.  

If you require in-person assistance, you can visit any Driver and Vehicle Services Centre, Regional Transport Centre or DoT agent. Use our contact search to find your most convenient location. 

  On-demand Transport contacts and opening hours

Opening hours

These opening hours align the On-demand Transport business unit with other Department of Transport WA service centres, they also provide consistency across our business units and support our customer service vision of 'OneDoT'.

Please note: On-demand Transport do not accept cash or cheques as payment. 

Customers with a hearing or speech impairment

If you have a speech or hearing difficulty, you can contact the National Relay Service (NRS) for assistance with your call. This is an Australia-wide telephone service available at no additional charge.

National Relay Service logo

To make a Voice relay call through the NRS all you need to do is: 

  • Contact the NRS on 1300 555 727. 
  • Ask for 1300 660 147
  • To make a TTY relay call through the NRS all you need to do is:
  • For TTY (Speak and Read, or Type and Read):  
    • Contact the NRS on 133677.
    • Ask for 1300 660 147.
  • For TTY (Type and Listen):
    • Contact the NRS on 1800555677.
    • Ask for 1300 660 147.
Service Type Suburb Business Name Phone number Phone number (secondary) Fax Pre-booking required Business Hours Email Street address Postal address Business Type Vehicle type Comments
On-demand Transport contact On-demand Booking Services, Passenger Transport Vehicles, Passenger Transport Drivers, Tourism Passenger Transport, Regular Passenger Transport 13 11 56 No Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) ondemandtransport@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box R1290, Perth WA 6844 Department of Transport
On-demand Transport contact Pensioner Annual Free Trip Scheme (PAFTS) 13 11 56 No Monday to Friday 8:00am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) ondemandtransport@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box R1290, Perth WA 6844 Department of Transport
On-demand Transport contact Taxi User Subsidy Scheme (TUSS) 13 11 56 No Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) ondemandtransport@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box R1290, Perth WA 6844 Department of Transport
Service Type Suburb Business Name Phone number Phone number (secondary) Fax Pre-booking required Business Hours Email Street address Postal address Business Type Vehicle type Comments
Student travel subsidies Student Travel Subsidy Scheme 13 11 56 No Monday to Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. (excludes public holidays) OdTCustomerService@transport.wa.gov.au P.O. Box R1290, Perth WA 6844 Department of Transport

  Reporting offences

On-demand Transport (OdT) receives and manages reports about the passenger transport industry (including taxi, rideshare and charter companies), where the reported issue relates to possible offences under sections of the following legislation:

  • Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018; and
  • Transport (Road Passenger Services) Regulations 2020.

To make a report related to the above legislation, email On-demand Transport.

To make a report about overcharging or poor customer service, contact the booking service provider involved. 

Information to provide in your report

Detailed reports greatly assist the Department to investigate thoroughly. It is important to provide as much detail as possible, including:

  • date and location of incident;
  • details of the incident;
  • vehicle description and registration;
  • driver id, name and description;
  • witness details; 
  • your full name and contact details; and
  • any photographs available.

You can add supporting documents and/or photographs taken at the time of the incident as an attachment to your report.

When reporting an individual

If your report relates to an individual any details that can assist to identify the person should be included. For example: 

  • name (including any aliases or nicknames);
  • age or date of birth;
  • gender (male or female);
  • nationality;
  • telephone numbers (home, work and/or mobile);
  • home address;
  • work address or where they work;
  • email address;
  • social media accounts (e.g. Facebook or Twitter);
  • details of the on-demand booking service they are operating for (if applicable);
  • the reason why you believe the person is acting suspiciously or unlawfully - includes details of any incidents;
  • vehicle details (i.e. registration number, colour and model); and
  • supporting documents and/or photographs.

When reporting a business, employer or organisation

If your report relates to a business, employer or organisation any details that can assist to identify them should be included. For example:

  • business name (registered and trading);
  • the name of the business owner/employer;
  • type of business;
  • street address and phone number;
  • email and website addresses;
  • social media user accounts (e.g. Facebook and Twitter);
  • the reason why you think the business/employer/organisation is of concern; and
  • supporting documents and/or photographs.

Criminal and traffic offences

Criminal offences such as physical or sexual assault and traffic related offences must be reported to WA Police. If required, the Department of Transport will assist with any police investigation.

Complaints about a Department of Transport staff member

Complaints against a Department of Transport staff member can be submitted online via the General feedback, compliments and complaints form.

Opens in a new window Western Australia Police Force

  Overcharging and customer service complaints

If you believe you have been overcharged or have experienced poor customer service, you should make a complaint to the relevant booking service.
This may include issues relating to:

  • service delivery;
  • failure to pick up passengers;
  • driver attitude or hygiene;
  • over charges or fare discrepancies;
  • condition of the vehicle; or
  • lost property.

If you are unable to identify the booking service, you can email the details of the incident to On-demand Transport. DoT will strive to identify the booking service and pass on the details of the incident.

  How incidents are handled

As part of the broader strategy to promote voluntary compliance with legislative requirements, DoT works proactively with industry and the community to increase awareness and to develop an understanding of how to comply. A key part of this is receiving incident reports from the public which are then used to inform specific or general education and compliance activities, or to take action against individuals or companies that may have committed an offence.

DoT must make appropriate choices as to where we can best apply our resources to improve public safety. For this reason, we apply a risk management approach to our response to received incident reports. After receiving your Incident Report DoT will assess it against current risk priorities. The incident report will either be:

  • Escalated to an investigation and allocated to an investigating officer; or
  • Recorded as intelligence and used to inform DoT's future education and compliance activities.

If further details are needed to clarify the incident report or to assist with an investigation, an officer will contact you.

The time to handle a complaint will vary, depending on its complexity. However, most are resolved within 5 to 10 working days.

  Standards of behaviour

Western Australia’s on-demand transport industry is being reformed to give customers and service providers more choice and flexibility.

The Department of Transport values feedback from our customers and is committed to maintaining open lines of communication with all our stakeholders during this transitional period.

The recent changes in legislation have been endorsed by Parliament and as public sector employees, it is our duty to implement these changes effectively and with care.

All Department of Transport employees will be professional and effective in the delivery of services, and responsive to customer needs.

In turn, all stakeholders must understand the need to maintain respect and to be considerate when engaging with Departmental employees, either in person, verbally or in writing.

  Your data privacy

DoT is committed to protecting the confidentiality of your personal information. We will not use or disclose your data unless permitted by law or with your permission.

To help keep passenger transport operators and passengers safe, The Transport (Road Passenger Services) Act 2018 (the Act) includes explicit provisions for data sharing. 

The Act enables:

  • DoT to publish de-identified data to provide information to the public about the performance of the passenger transport industry.
  • DoT to share authorisation information with authorised On-demand Booking Service (ODBS), Regular Passenger Transport providers and providers of Passenger Transport Vehicles (PTV) to assist them to comply with their safety duties.

DoT shares information with authorised ODBS providers via the Driver and Vehicle Industry Dashboard (DVID) - a secure portal that can only be accessed through DoTDirect by authorised ODBSs and their responsible officers.

It is important to ensure that the information provided to the ODBS while on-boarding is valid – if it does not match then the ODBS may not be able to verify driver and vehicle records.

DoT recognises that when you share your private information with us, you trust us to use it responsibly. While you cannot opt out of the data sharing provisions outlined in the Act, you can use your DoTDirect account to change how DoT uses your information to communicate with you. You can also opt to not receive advertising or direct marketing materials.

The most important thing you can do to keep your data safe is to not share your DoTDirect password with anyone else.

The Data sharing capabilities fact sheet below outlines how your information can be used as a member of the passenger transport industry.

Page last updated: Thu Sep 12 2024 9:21:06 AM