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Agricultural industry

This page offers information for the agricultural industry, including concessions available to agricultural and farm vehicles, how to license agricultural vehicles, and the movement of agricultural vehicles, implements or combinations on roads.

  Agricultural and farm vehicle licence concessions

The WA agricultural industry has access to a number of different vehicle licence concessions.

Seasonally licensed vehicles are not eligible for farming or other concessions.

Note: If you claim concession rates on a vehicle when you are not entitled to that concession, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid. Continued use of the vehicle on the road will contravene the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012.

Farm vehicle concession

A 100% exemption of vehicle licence charges payable is available for vehicles owned by a farmer and used only on the owner's farm.

Vehicle must Rate Conditions Notes

Be used only on the owner’s farm to pass from one portion of the farm to another; or to travel between the farm and some other place for the following reasons only:

  • to carry out firefighting or fire prevention operations or to take part in fire control exercises previously authorised by a bush fire control officer appointed under the Bush Fires Act 1954; or,
  • if the farm is in an area that is declared by the Minister administering the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 to be drought affected or water deficient, then to travel between the farm and a water supply for the purpose of carting water for stock or for domestic purposes.

Other conditions as outlined on the Application for Farm Vehicle Concession (VL39) form may apply. 

100% exemption from vehicle licence fee and vehicle licence duty. Issued with special number plates, embossed with the word 'FARM'.

There are no restrictions on the amount of vehicles owned by a farmer that can be licensed with this concession.

Applicants must be a farmer or grazier, They must carry out business as a farmer or grazier, meaning that vehicle owners may either own or lease the land on which they farm.

Hobby farmers or other individuals who are not running a farming business on the land that they farm are not eligible for farm concessions.

Tractors, headers, agricultural machinery and agricultural special purpose vehicles are not eligible for this concession.

If the vehicle is used on a road contrary to the conditions above, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid under section 7(4) of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012. Motor Injury Insurance will not apply and penalties may be incurred.

Application for Farm Vehicle Concession (VL39) form must be submitted in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, DoT regional office or authorised agent.

Agricultural machines and agricultural special purpose vehicles concession

Farmers, graziers or farming contractors may apply for an Agricultural Machinery or Agricultural Special Purpose concession for vehicles they own (i.e. farm tractors, tractor plant, self-propelled headers) that are used exclusively in connection with farming and/or grazing.

Vehicle must Rate Conditions Notes
  • be used to pass from one portion of the farm to another; to travel between a farm and some other place for farming activities;
  • to carry out firefighting or fire prevention operations; to take part in fire control exercises previously authorised by a bush fire control officer appointed under the Bush Fires Act 1954; or,
  • if the farm is in an area that is declared by the Minister administering the Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007 to be drought affected or water deficient, to travel between the farm and a water supply for the purpose of carting water for stock or for domestic purposes.

Other conditions as outlined on the Application for Agricultural Machinery or Agricultural Special Purpose Vehicle Concession (Farm Tractor/Plant) (VL18) Form may apply.

100% exemption from vehicle licence fee and vehicle licence duty.

Any vehicle fitted with tracks of any kind must be approved by DoT, Vehicle Safety Policy prior to licensing. Use the contact details below for assistance.

Truck based agricultural vehicles must be inspected prior to licensing, a Certificate of Inspection must accompany the application.

There are no restrictions on the number of vehicles owned by a farmer that can be licensed with this concession.

Contractors engaged in providing services to farmers may apply for this concession, but must sign the VL18 form declaring that their vehicle will be used solely for farming activities.

Quad bikes or farm utility/truck type vehicles are not eligible for this concession.

If the vehicle is used on a road contrary to the conditions above, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid under section 7(4) of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012. Motor Injury Insurance will not apply and penalties may be incurred.

Applicants must submit an Application to License a Vehicle (VL17) form with a (VL18) form in person at a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, DoT regional office or authorised agent.

Farm haulage concession

A 50% reduction in vehicle licence charges is available for certain farm haulage vehicles, owned by a farmer.

Vehicle must Rate Conditions Notes
  • be a goods vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or used for the purpose of hauling a trailer or semi-trailer (vehicle combination)*.
  • be used solely or principally for the carrying of the products of, or requisites for, the owner's farming business while on roads and road related areas.
  • be owned by a farmer; and have an unloaded mass of over 1,524 kg.
50% reduction on vehicle licence fee. Applicants must provide a current Australian Business Number (ABN) to demonstrate they are operating a farming business.

A farmer is eligible to apply for a concession for additional vehicle combination (to a maximum of two vehicle combinations per farming business) where DoT is satisfied that the ‘farming business’ is operated between two farming locations that are not adjoined. (i.e. one vehicle combination per farming location).

If your vehicle is one of the following it is not eligible for this concession: A converter dolly trailer, unless used in combination with a dog trailer towed by a rigid vehicle. Agricultural machines or agricultural special purpose vehicles. Vehicles used for agistment purposes or used to transport horses. Vehicle used to transport goods and services for third parties for financial reward (i.e. operating a transport business).

* Vehicle combination is a prime mover towing a semi-trailer or ridged vehicle towing a dog or pig trailer.

If the vehicle is used on a road contrary to the conditions above, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid under section 7(4) of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012. Motor Injury Insurance will not apply and penalties may be incurred.

Applicants must complete an Application for Farm Haulage Concession (Primary Producer) (E127) form and submit:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email

Stock transporter's concession

A 50% reduction in vehicle licence charges is available for certain vehicles owned by a person who carries on the business of transporting stock.

Vehicle must Rate Conditions Notes
  • be owned by a person who carries out the business of transporting stock.
  • be used exclusively for the purpose of transporting stock. Have a tare weight over 1,524kg.
50% reduction on vehicle licence fee.

Stock plate/s will be issued to the vehicle.

If the vehicle is being used to carry loads other than stock, the vehicle owner must submit a completed Delete/Reinstate Stock Transporter Concession (E5) form.

The concession can be reinstated when stock is being carried.

Stock relates specifically to cattle, sheep, goats and swine.

Vehicles used to transport horses are not eligible for this concession.

If the vehicle is used on a road contrary to the conditions above, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid under section 7(4) of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012. Motor Injury Insurance will not apply and penalties may be incurred.

Applicants must complete an Application for Concession on a Stock Transporter Vehicle (E73) form and submit:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email

Farmers motor injury insurance rebate - Class 2(F)

In addition to the above concessions you may be entitled to a 50% rebate on the motor injury insurance premium.

Vehicle must Rate Conditions Notes
  • be owned by a farmer (primary producer) and used in the business of farming/grazing. Have a tare weight over 2500 kg or more.
  • be licensed as a motor wagon or prime mover (licence fee type 02or 16).
  • be used solely or principally for carrying the products of, or requisites for, the owners’ farming business for: producing fruit, grain, flowers, vegetables, tobacco or farm/agricultural produce; or dairy farming, poultry and other bird farming, pig farming, bee keeping or oyster/fish culture; or a nursery; or rearing or grazing horses, cattle or sheep; or gathering leaves from which eucalyptus or other oil is distilled.
50% reduction on motor injury insurance Application for Motor Injury Vehicle Insurance Class 2(f) form (E10) must be completed and submitted at the same time a concession application is made. Can only be applied in conjunction with applications for the concessions above where applicable.

If the vehicle is used on a road contrary to the conditions above, the vehicle licence will be deemed invalid under section 7(4) of the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Act 2012. Motor Injury Insurance will not apply and penalties may be incurred.

To claim a reduction in motor injury insurance an Application for Motor Injury Insurance Class 2(f) (E10) form must be completed and submitted:

Street address Postal address Telephone Fax Email

  Agricultural Vehicles Advisory Committee (AVAC)

The principal purpose of the Committee is to combine industry and government expertise to formulate and provide advice to Government authorities on recommended initiatives to address regulatory and systemic impediments to the efficient transport of agricultural vehicles on public roads.

The Committee will fulfil an advisory role in accordance with its purpose and will focus on regulatory and compliance issues in relation to the safe movement of agricultural vehicles. Issues involving the haulage of farm produce in goods vehicles come under the scope of the various transport operator forums and will not be covered by this Committee.

AVAC members

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Agriculture and Food.
  • Department of Transport.
  • Farm Machinery and Industry Association of WA (FMIA).
  • Main Roads WA.
  • Motor Trade Association of Western Australia (MTAWA).
  • Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PGA).
  • Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc) (WAFarmers).
  • Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA).
  • Western Australia Police Force.
  • Western Power.
Opens in a new window Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development's Agriculture and Food
Opens in a new window Farm Machinery and Industry Association of WA (FMIA)
Main Roads WA
Opens in a new window Motor Trade Association of Western Australia (MTAWA)
Opens in a new window Pastoralists and Graziers Association of Western Australia (PGA)
Opens in a new window Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc) (WAFarmers)
Opens in a new window Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)
Opens in a new window Western Australia Police Force
Opens in a new window Western Power

  License an agricultural machine or farm vehicle

Certain non-standard motor vehicles are exempt from the requirement to be inspected prior to the grant of a vehicle licence. This includes a motor vehicle that:

  • Is designed for use primarily in industry (whether in the public or private sector) and to be driven or controlled by a person carried in or on the vehicle; and
  • Is not designed for use primarily for the carriage on roads of passengers or goods or for hauling a semitrailer;

Or a motor vehicle that:

  • Is, or has permanently attached to it, an excavator, road roller, road grader, bulldozer, mechanical shovel, plough, rotary hoe or similar plant; and
  • Is designed to be driven or controlled by a person carried in or on the vehicle; and
  • Is not suitable for the carriage of any load other than accessories necessary for the operation of the vehicle

While these vehicles may be exempt from a vehicle inspection that ensures the vehicle meets the prescribed standards and requirements for that vehicle, DoT officers may need to examine the vehicle to assess and confirm the vehicle's specifications prior to the grant of a WA vehicle licence. This examination will incur a fee.

Tracked agricultural machines

Conditionally licensed rubber tracked agricultural machines may operate on a road. The rubber tracked agricultural machine must travel on continuous tracks which are made of rubber, or are rubber tipped.

A tracked agricultural machine must only be driven or drawn where there is a need for its movement. The tracks must conform with the requirements of the vehicle standards and no part of it other than the tracks come into contact with the road. 

Any rubber tracked agricultural machine that is oversize or over mass must operate in accordance with Main Roads WA Restricted Access Vehicle Rubber Tracked Agricultural Machine Operating Conditions. These operating conditions are available for download from Main Roads.

  Agricultural vehicle driver's licence

You do not need a driver’s licence to drive a tractor or agricultural vehicle on private property. You will need the appropriate driver’s licence if you need to drive the vehicle on a public road. You may also need a permit from Main Roads if the vehicle is oversize or over-mass.

If the vehicle you want to drive on a public road has a gross vehicle mass (GVM) equal to or less than 4,500 kg, you must hold an appropriate C (car) class driver’s licence.

If the vehicle you want to drive has a GVM over 4,500 kg, you must hold an appropriate heavy vehicle driver’s licence.

Some towed agricultural implements do not need to be licensed, as they fall within the definition of a trailer. Drivers of vehicles (including tractors) towing these implements anywhere other than on private property, must hold the appropriate licence class.

Special tractor vehicle classes

If you have a driver’s licence for C class vehicles and you need to drive tractors that fall within the heavy vehicle classes, you can apply for a conditional authorisation to drive these types of tractors.

If applying for conditional authorisation for a vehicle class above Heavy Rigid (HR) you must be at least 18 years old.

Apply for a conditional authorisation

To apply you will need to provide a letter of competency from your employer, or by an agricultural college staff member who holds the equivalent unconditional authorisation to drive that class of vehicle.

Your employer or agricultural college staff member must be able to verify your ability to drive a tractor.

The letter must be signed by both parties and must include: 

  • full name and occupation of the writer of the letter
  • driver's licence number and licence classes held by the writer of the letter
  • applicant's full name, driver's licence number and classes currently held
  • number plate, make, model and tare weight of the tractor the applicant will be driving
  • statement that the writer of the letter has trained and tested the applicant in tractor driving and found them to be competent
  • number and type of agricultural implements the applicant would be towing when driving the tractor
  • statement that the applicant is familiar with and understands the Road Traffic (Vehicles) Regulations 2014.

How to apply

To apply for a conditional authorisation, you will need to attend a Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS) centre, regional DoT office or agent and:

  • submit a completed a Towed Implements Declaration (E1)form
  • submit a completed Towed Implements Declaration (Form E1)
  • submit a Letter of Competency 
  • submit a completed Driver's Licence Application (Form DLA1)
  • show the required proof of identity documents
  • pass the eyesight test
  • pay the application fee.

The application will be assessed and if you are granted the conditional authorisation, you will be sent a letter advising you that you have been granted the authorisation.

  Towed agricultural implements documents

The Agricultural Vehicles Advisory Committee (AVAC), chaired by Driver and Vehicle Services, developed the Towed Agricultural Implement Guide and a series of fact sheets to assist farmers with the movement of towed agricultural equipment.

Page last updated: Wed Dec 11 2024 10:22:01 AM