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BoatCode and HIN

Find out about the BoatCode System and how to apply for a Hull Identification Number (HIN).

Image of Boat HIN

BoatCode is a system used to identify a vessel using its Hull Identification Number (HIN). 

A HIN is a unique series of characters and numbers assigned to your vessel and is usually moulded in the hull or engraved on a metal plate that is fastened the hull. 

The HIN is compulsory for all registered vessels in WA. 

HINs are to be installed by either the vessel manufacturer or an Accredited BoatCode Providers. 

A vessel cannot be transferred or registered without a valid HIN.

Diagram demonstrating the layout of a Hull Identification Number.


  Why do I need a HIN?

A HIN gives your vessel a unique identity, which can help to deter theft and recover your vessel if it is stolen.

Your vessel’s HIN will be recorded in a database which is used to:

  • Identify and prevent stolen vessels from being re-registered
  • List the vessel on the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) which second hand buyers can use to check for any outstanding financial obligations attached to the vessel.
Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR)

  Vessel manufacturer's responsibility

Vessel manufacturers are required to attach a unique HIN to all newly constructed vessels, according to ISO 10087:2022 standards.

The HIN must include the allocated Manufacturer's Identity Code (MIC). 

If you do not have a MIC, please contact the Boating Industry Association in your state.

ISO 10087:2022 Small craft — Craft identification — Coding system

Vessels that do not need a HIN

The following vessels do not need to apply for a HIN:

  • Any commercial vessel or a regulated Australian vessel.
  • A vessel regulated under the Navigation Act 2012.
  • A vessel being registered to a benefactor of a will, or to the estate of the late owner or within a family following the death of the registered owner.
  • A vessel with expired registration when there is no change of ownership and the payment of a late and renewal fee is made.
  • Vessels registered and operating only within the inland waters and territorial sea of the Territory of Christmas Island and the Territory of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

How to get a HIN

To get a new HIN or verify an existing HIN, you will need to contact a BoatCode Provider.

To apply for a HIN, you will need to provide:

Download the application form and a blank statutory declaration below.


Fees charged by BoatCode providers to clients

BoatCode Providers are permitted to charge additional fees to cover travel and accommodation costs when a HIN is affixed, inspected or validated at a location other than the Provider's normal premises. This will be subject to the client being advised of the additional fee prior to the travel being undertaken.
Fee type Fee
Maximum fee to be charged by a BoatCode/HIN provider for affixing a HIN to a vessel presented at the Provider's premises. $118.90 [*]
Maximum fee to be charged by a BoatCode/HIN provider for inspecting and validating a HIN on a vessel at the Provider's premises. $67.20 [*]

[*] Plus GST.

Hull Identification Number (HIN) plate fees

Fee type Fee
Boatcode/Hull Identification Number (HIN) providers accreditation fee $429.10
Boatcode/Hull Identification Number (HIN) examiners accreditation fee $119.05
Hull Identification Number (HIN) plate (pack of 20 sets) $141.80
Hull Identification Number (HIN) certificates (pad of 50) $30.85

  BoatCode providers (list)

BoatCode providers can:

  • Affix a new Hull Identification Numbers (HIN) plates and issuing HIN certificates.
  • Verifying existing HINs on vessels.

Some providers provide a mobile service for craft that are unable to be trailered.

The providers may charge for their services but there are no additional government fees.  

The Department of Transport issues the HINs and accredits the BoatCode providers.

Service Type Suburb Business Name Phone number Phone number (secondary) Fax Pre-booking required Business Hours Email Street address Postal address Business Type Vehicle type Comments
Boatcode providers (HIN) Albany Rusty's Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9842 1022 No Please call for details. rustysmarine@bigpond.com Unit 2, 205 Chester Pass Road, Albany WA 6330 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Albany Watercraft Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9844 1819 No Please call for details. info@watercraft.com.au Boat Pens, Emu Point, Albany WA 6330 P.O. Box 5103, Albany WA 5103 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Augusta Augusta Marine (Boatcode provider) 9758 0808 9758 1877 No Please call for details. blackwoodmechanical@bigpond.com 619 Brindley Street, Augusta WA 6290 Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Baldivis Argyle Marine & Auto 0487 638 893 No Please call for details. jay@argylemarine.com 52 Lemon Gum Drive, Baldivis WA 6171 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Ballajura Devil Marine & Imports (Boatcode provider) 0433 688 367 No Please call for details. devilmarine@iprimus.com.au 13 Pine Gardens, Ballajura WA 6066 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Broome Broome Boat Shop (Boatcode provider) (08) 9193 6777 No Please call for details. sales@broomeboatshop.com.au 23 Clemenston Street, Broome WA 6725 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Broome Pearl Shed Trailers (Boatcode provider) (08) 9193 7330 No Please call for details. info@kimberleytrailerparts.com.au 6 Gregory Street, Broome WA 6725 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Bunbury Millard Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9721 3033 No Please call for details. rodv@millardbunbury.com.au 13 Halifax Drive, Bunbury WA 6230 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Bunbury Pacemaker Boats (Boatcode provider) 0409 114 950 No Please call for details. 24 Petherick Street, Bunbury WA 6230 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Bunbury Sportsmarine Boat Centre (Boatcode provider) (08) 9721 4390 No Please call for details. damian@sportsmarine.com.au 57 Strickland Street, Bunbury WA 6230 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Busselton Busselton Machinery and Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9752 1522 No Please call for details. admin@busseltonmachinery.com.au 4824 Bussell Highway, Busselton WA 6280 P.O. Box 472, Busselton WA 6280 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Canning Vale Specialised Marine Spares (Boatcode provider) (08) 9455 4038 No Please call for details. admin@smsperth.com.au 53-55 Catalano Circuit, Canning Vale WA 6155 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Carnarvon Craig's Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9941 1213 No Please call for details. can@craigsmarine.com.au 302 Robinson Street, Carnarvon WA 6701 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Derby Derby Sea Search and Rescue (Boatcode provider) 0400 964 181 No Please call for details. seepjsea@bigpond.com Derby Jetty Wharf, Jetty Road, Derby WA 6728 P.O. Box 258, Derby WA 6728 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Dunsborough Bosun Honda Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9755 3439 No Please call for details. bosunmarine@aapt.net.au 15 Inverness Avenue, Dunsborough WA 6281 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) East Fremantle Boatarama (Boatcode provider) 0401 864 187 No Please call for details. hins_boatcode@optusnet.com.au 110 Riverside Road (Aquarama Marina), East Fremantle WA 6158 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Esperance David Dodge (Boatcode provider) 0427 448 935 No Please call for details. daviddodge@bigpond.com 33 Easton Road, Esperance WA 6450 Authorised Agency Fixed and mobile service
Boatcode providers (HIN) Exmouth KJJ Group (Boatcode provider) 6103 1344 No Please call for details. info@kjjgroup.com.au 14 Tuckey Street, Exmouth WA 6707 Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Fremantle Michael Eldrid (Boatcode provider) 0492 044 276 No Please call for details. eldridmichael@gmail.com Fremantle WA Authorised Agency Mobile provider, no fixed address.
Boatcode providers (HIN) Geraldton Bayside Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9964 3477 No Please call for details. baysidemarine@westnet.com.au 284 Place Road, Geraldton WA 6530 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Geraldton SMS Group WA (Boatcode Provider) (08) 9935 9230 No Please call for details. reception@smsgroupwa.com.au 114 Deepdale Road, Geraldton WA 6530 WA Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Hillarys Discovery Cruising (Boatcode provider) 0408 801 040 No Please call for details. beaumont2@westnet.com.au Hillarys WA Authorised Agency Mobile provider, no fixed address.
Boatcode providers (HIN) Hillarys Greg Adams (Boatcode provider) 0404 844 234 No Please call for details. greg.lai@bigpond.com Hillarys Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Joondalup Joondalup Boat Shack (Boatcode provider) (08) 9300 9970 No Please call for details. rod@boatshack.com.au 18 Winton Road, Joondalup WA 6027 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Jurien Bay Jurien Marine Supplies (Boatcode provider) (08) 9652 1294 No Please call for details. jurienmarinesup@bigpond.com Lot 649 Carmella Street, Jurien Bay WA 6516 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Kalbarri Terry Ash Fathoms Fishing Company 0429 930 953 No Please call for details. rtcaash@westnet.com.au 1 Glass Street, Kalbarri WA 6536 WA Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Karratha Going Coastal Marine Training (Boatcode provider) 0427 411 189 No Please call for details. lukeandsuzi@gmail.com 17 Roe Crescent, Karratha WA 6713 WA Authorised Agency Fixed and mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Karratha North West Training and Inspection Service (Boatcode provider) 9144 4250 No Please call for details. reception@nwtis.com.au Lot 1498 Lambert Road, Karratha WA 6714 Authorised Agency Fixed and mobile. Provider coverage: Kimberley and Pilbara
Boatcode providers (HIN) Kununurra Baradise Boating Essentials (Boatcode provider) 0407 728 486 No Please call for details. admin@coventrymachineworks.com.au 16 Poincettia Way, Kununurra WA 6743 P.O. Box 2021, Kununurra WA 6743 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Lathlain Offshore Marine (Boatcode provider) 0417 945 831 No Please call for details. geoffreyellis@me.com 29 Saleham Street, Lathlain WA 6100 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Leederville Boat Craft (Boatcode provider) 0418 956 793 No Please call for details. masters.paul@hotmail.com 19 Byron Street, Leederville WA 6007 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Maddington Frank Carver (Boatcode provider) 0403 824 257 No Please call for details. carverfrank9@gmail.com 15 Miller Street, Maddington WA 6109 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Maida Vale Boat Check WA (Boatcode provider) 0439 942 975 No Please call for details. info@boatcheckwa.com.au Maida Vale WA Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Maida Vale Marine & Industrial Training and Services (Boatcode provider) 0419 944 418 No Please call for details. weststar@iinet.net.au 2 Acacia Road, Maida Vale WA 6057 Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Mandurah Bouvard Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9581 8281 No Please call for details. admin@bouvardmarine.com.au 4 Delmont Place, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Mandurah Mandurah Boat Shop (Boatcode provider) (08) 9581 8444 No Please call for details. Colin@mandurahboatshop.com.au 5 Panton Road, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency
Boatcode providers (HIN) Mandurah Mandurah Outboards (Boatcode provider) (08) 9581 7224 No Please call for details. mandurahoutboards@tpg.com.au 53 Gordon Road, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Mandurah Oceanwater Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9581 3233 No Please call for details. omsc@bigpond.com 99A Park Road, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Mandurah Waterside Marine (Boatcode provider) 0400 339 215 No Please call for details. r.bishop@bigpond.net.au Waterside Drive, Mandurah WA 6210 Authorised Agency Mobile and fixed.
Boatcode providers (HIN) Marmion Combined Boating Services (Boatcode provider) 0413 735 726 No Please call for details. neil@combindedboatingservices.com.au Marmion WA 6020 Authorised Agency Fixed and mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) O'Connor Portside Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9335 7233 0412 299 016 No Please call for details. service@portsidemarine.com.au 1 Sainsbury Road, O'Connor WA 6163 Authorised Agency Fixed.
Boatcode providers (HIN) Osborne Park Perth Marine Centre (Boatcode provider) (08) 9443 2392 No Please call for details. service@perthmarinecentre.au 57 Roberts Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Authorised Agency Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Osborne Park Ram Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9446 7433 No Please call for details. rappleby@bigpond.net.au 46 Sundercombe Street, Osborne Park WA 6017 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Port Hedland GT Diving (Boatcode provider) 0439 903 251 No Please call for details. galliholdings@bigpond.com 26 Richardson Street, Port Hedland WA 6721 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Rockingham Midway Marine (Boatcode provider) (08) 9527 6963 No Please call for details. midwaymarine@iinet.net.au 43 Hurrell Way, Rockingham WA 6168 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Rockingham Rockingham Boating (Boatcode provider) (08) 9527 2999 No Please call for details. sales@rockinghamboating.com.au 7 Crocker Street, Rockingham WA 6168 Authorised Agency Fixed
Boatcode providers (HIN) Sorrento Blaxell Holdings (Boatcode provider) 0409 101 300 No Please call for details. tom@mansfieldmarine.com.au Shop 44 Sorrento Quay Boardwalk, 58 Southside Drive, Sorrento WA 6025 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Subiaco Quay Maritime Consultancy (Boatcode provider) 0417 989 066 No Please call for details. captkeys@iinet.net.au 17 Raphael Street, Subiaco WA 6008 Authorised Agency Fixed and Mobile
Boatcode providers (HIN) Westminster Boat City (Boatcode provider) (08) 9345 4311 No Please call for details. info@boatcity.com.au 430 Wanneroo Road, Westminster WA 6061 Authorised Agency Fixed
Page last updated: Wed Jun 14 2023 4:24:12 PM