Preparedness and response resources
Find tools, documents and resources for the preparation, response and recovery to maritime environmental emergencies.
Incident level declaration
During a marine oil pollution incident, the incident controller is responsible for assessing and declaring the incident level, aligned to the criteria outlined in the State Hazard Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies.
The incident controller must:
- complete an initial incident level assessment as soon as practicable, and
- complete and submit subsequent incident level assessments on at least a daily basis.
During a Level 2/3 marine oil pollution incident, incident level assessments and declarations must be submitted using an Incident Level Declaration (EM Form 23) below.
Incident level declaration form (maritime environmental emergencies) | Kb | |
Situation report
During a marine oil pollution incident the controlling agency must provide the Department of Transport (DoT) with ongoing situation reports as requested by the State Marine Pollution Coordinator.
Use the situation report template (SITREP) below when reporting to DoT.
Marine pollution situation report (SITREP) | Kb | |
Oil spill trajectory model (OSTM)
Computer-generated Oil Spill Trajectory Models (OSTM) predict the behaviour of oil in the marine environment and are valuable tools in response and contingency planning.
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) maintains Trajectory Modelling support services for use in an incident.
The movement and weathering of oil is calculated using data from metocean currents, wind forces and chemical behaviours.
An OSTM is only as accurate as the data used to generate it, therefore it is important to validate the model created with 'on the ground' measurement.
Request National Plan Oil Spill Trajectory Modelling on the AMSA website.
Automated data inquiry for oil spills (ADIOS)
The Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills (ADIOS) is a weathering model used to predict how oil will break down in the marine environment.
It provides response planners with an indication of how long an oil spill may persist in the environment, and the best options for clean up.
The model uses weather conditions and chemical properties of the oil (either selected from the ADIOS library or manually entered) to predict the rate of evaporation, dissolution and emulsification.
ADIOS is maintained by the US Government's National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Find out more about ADIOS on the NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration website.
Oil spill response atlas (OSRA)
The Western Australian Oil Spill Response Atlas (OSRA) is a spatial database of environmental, logistical and oil spill response data.
Using a geographical information system (GIS) platform, OSRA displays datasets collated from a range of custodians allowing decision makers to visualise environmental sensitivities and response considerations for both contingency and incident planning.
OSRA is managed by DoT’s Maritime Environmental Emergency Response team and is part funded through the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies and the Australian Maritime Safety Authority.
Web Map Application (OSRA-WMA) 3.0
OSRA was upgraded to OSRA 3.0 in 2025 to provide additional functionality, datasets and improved user accessibility.
You can use OSRA-WMA 3.0 to view layers found in OSRA via a secure portal and print maps.
While not intended to replace the full capacity of the GIS OSRA, WMA provides a functional, user friendly and accessible alternative to assist in oil spill planning and response.
WMA is a secure platform and datasets provided to DoT will not be open for extraction.
Register for access
You need to register your interest to access WMA.
Registrations will be reviewed on a case by case basis and logins will be issued by DoT based on an appropriate operational requirement to access WMA.
Log-ins to WMA will be limited to ensure optimum operation of the system.
Use the registration form below to begin the process.
To complete the form, save the form to your computer, fill in your details and click 'Submit' when complete.
Already registered?
Use the log in button below to access the OSRA-WMA 3.0 application.
Oil spill response: Atlas web map application - Registration form | Kb | |
Factors and Risk Assessment Tool - PESTLEO
PESTLEO Assessment
A WA Key Factors and Risks Assessment (PESTLEO) Tool has been developed based on National Plan Guidelines and general Emergency Management or Crisis Management guidelines. This tool aids in the identification of external factors and risks that may be beyond the immediate control of the Controlling Agency. This tool enables an IMT to consider the broader considerations of a response in the areas of Political, Economic, Social, Technology, Legal, Environment and Operational. It ensures decisions have actually been properly considered within the strategic context and to identify any other issues that may hamstring the response so they can be managed proactively where possible.
PESTLEO Assessment Tool | Kb | |
Net environmental benefit analysis/spill impact mitigation assessment (NEBA/SIMA)
A WA Net Environmental Benefit Analysis/Spill Impact Mitigation Assessment (NEBA/SIMA) Tool has been developed based on the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) National Plan workshops and the International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) guidelines.
This tool helps to select response strategies in accordance with identified protection priorities.
Net environmental benefit analysis/spill impact mitigation assessment (NEBA/SIMA) tool | Kb | |
Dispersant use guidance note
Dispersants act to break up oil spills (either at the surface or subsurface) into small droplets that descend into the water column where they are more easily biodegraded by naturally occurring bacteria and other microorganisms.
Dispersant efficacy depends on a number of factors including, but not limited to:
- dispersant type
- oil type
- metocean (weather and oceanographic) conditions
- age of the oil (is it fresh or weathered).
In the right conditions, the application of dispersant could assist in the natural dispersion of oil and help to reduce environmental impacts in other locations. Because of this, dispersants may be considered for use as a response option in the event of a marine oil pollution incident.
DoT acknowledges the use of dispersants is not always an effective or useful response option and, in some situations, may actually lead to further environmental damage. As such, there are strict controls in place around the use of dispersants in and adjacent to WA State waters during a marine oil pollution incident.
During a response to either a shipping or offshore petroleum activity marine oil pollution incident in State waters, regardless of the source, the use of dispersants requires the written consent of the State Marine Pollution Coordinator. Any approach to the State Marine Pollution Coordinator for consent to use dispersants must be made by the relevant incident controller.
The Dispersant Consent Use Guidance Note has been developed to outline the consent framework for the use of dispersants in or adjacent to WA State waters during a marine oil pollution incident resulting from a shipping or offshore petroleum activity.
Dispersant Consent Use Guidance Note | Kb | |
Western Australian Marine Oil Pollution Risk Assessment (WAMOPRA)
DoT has conducted a state-wide marine oil pollution risk assessment to understand the marine oil spill risk profile of WA.
The results of the project are used to prevent, prepare, respond and recover from a marine oil pollution incident. The risk assessment was comprised of:
- evaluating protection priorities of the receiving environment to assess potential consequences of marine oil pollution, and
- assessing the likelihood, size, location and type of marine oil pollution.
Results for the project are available from the WAMOPRA web map application.
Incident management system
As a Controlling Agency, the Department of Transport (DoT) applies an Incident Management System (IMS) for the management of marine oil pollution incidents.
The IMS is a hybrid application of the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System (AIIMS) and the Incident Command System (ICS).
The IMS is one of many incident management approaches that can be used in the management of maritime environmental emergencies.
DoT has developed a range of IMS tools and resources available below.
MEER Incident Controller's Guide | Kb | |
MEER Incident Management System Guide | Kb | |
Coordination Meetings
Controlling Agency Transfer Meeting | Kb |
Incident Support Group Meeting | Kb |
Joint Strategy Coordination Committee Meeting | Kb |
Operational Area Support Group Meeting | Kb |
Incident Command System – Initial Response Phase
Management of Field Operations
Concept of Operations | Kb |
ICS-204a Field Task Assignment | Kb |
ICS-204a Field Task Assignment (Digital Version) | Kb |
Management of Resources
Maritime Casualty Management
Maritime Casualty Coordination Group Meeting | Kb |
Maritime Casualty Management Process Form | Kb |
Maritime Recovery Management
Marine Recovery Management | Kb |
Marine recovery coordination meeting | Kb |
Shoreline Assessment
A shoreline assessment is a simple yet comprehensive survey of a shoreline. It employs a systematic approach using standardised terminology to provide data to decision makers for planning shoreline protection, clean-up and monitoring.
The shoreline assessment form is for responders who are required to complete a shoreline assessment. It is recommended that responders have completed some oiled shoreline training as a minimum. Note that this form is not intended to be used in isolation and should be backed up with photos, oil samples and various notes.
Shoreline Assessment Form | Kb | |