Reporting marine oil pollution

Find out who to contact if there is an oil spill or other marine pollution incident in Western Australian waters, and what reports need to be completed.

  Step 1:Notify MEER immediately

Where a spill occurs within state waters (including ports), the master or person-in-command of the vessel or facility must contact the Department of Transport's Maritime Environmental Emergency Response (MEER) unit immediately.

Immediate reporting will enable a fast response that can minimise the impact of the oil on the environment.


Failure to report a spill may result in prosecution. 

(08) 9480 9924 (24 hours)

Please also inform the harbour management or port authority in charge.

Members of the public can also report oil spills to the MEER using the above contact number.

When reporting a spill, the Department of Transport's Maritime Environmental Emergency Response Duty Officer will contact you to seek the following information so the incident can be appraised:

  1. Your name and contact details
  2. When and where the spill/incident occurred
  3. A description of the incident (eg. What has happened, What has been done, Who has been told, Who was involved, Is it ongoing, What is at risk?)
  4. Specific details pertaining to the incident (eg. Spill details including size, smell, colour, type, and Vessel or facility information including rego, type, size, status?)
  5. Ongoing and Planned actions if you are from a first strike or response organisation (eg. Who is involved, Resources Available, and Support Required?
  6. Other Relevant Info (eg. Public Safety Concerns?)

To learn more about what oil pollution does to the environment, please go to Marine pollution overview

  Step 2:File a pollution report (POLREP)

Please complete a pollution report once you have notified MEER of the oil spill.

The master or person-in-command of the vessel must file a pollution report with the MEER unit as soon as practicable, which will provide essential information for response planning.

These reports not only help MEER to improve oil spill response operations, but also identify trends in oil pollution that will assist in future planning, preparation and education programs.

This report can be downloaded below and forwarded to MEER by either:

  • Selecting the 'Post' button at the bottom of the page which will submit the form electronically.
  • Saving the form and emailing it.

  Step 3:Appraise the incident level (if required)

If you are a Controlling Agency or Incident Controller for an incident as outlined in the State Hazard Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies, the MEER unit may ask you to complete an incident level declaration on the incident and this report should be submitted as soon as possible after the incident is initially reported and no later than 6 hours after the initial reporting of the incident. 

If you have not been requested to complete an incident level declaration and you believe you are representing a possible controlling agency or incident controller for an incident as outlined in the State Hazard Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies seek confirmation from the Department of Transport for if an incident level declaration is required by either contacting the MEER Duty Officer on (08) 9480 9924 or via email to

This declaration report can be downloaded below and forwarded to MEER by saving the form and emailing it to

  Step 4:File a situation report (if required)

The MEER unit may ask you to prepare a situation report on the oil spill, this report should be submitted within 24 hours of the request.

This report can be downloaded below and forwarded to MEER by either:

  • Selecting the 'Post' button at the bottom of the page.
  • Saving the form and emailing it.
Page last updated: Wed Jun 28 2023 1:13:03 PM