Contacting DoT

Keep up to date with how some of our services have changed in response to COVID-19.

Call Centre availability

Our call centre is open from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Attending a Transport Services Centre

Our Transport Services Centres continue to open as normal.

Face masks are no longer required when visiting a Transport Services Centre, however, masks are required for PDA candidates during on-roads tests in vehicles and encouraged where physical distancing isn't possible.

If you are feeling unwell or have any symptoms, you must not attend a centre, but you can use our online services via DoTDirect (

Translating and interpreting

Translation and interpreter services are available for DoT customers. For further information about COVID in languages other than English, visit COVID-19 coronavirus: Advice in other languages.

Page last updated: Fri Apr 29 2022 11:34:04 AM