Kite and windsurfers benefit most from extra lifejacket standard

News for the Department of Transport


Recent changes to lifejacket standards in WA to include the international benchmark will provide greater choice for skippers and others who need to comply with safety requirements when on the water.

Department of Transport (DoT) Manager of Safety Education Laurie Adams said the recognition of ISO 12402 in State laws dictating the standards for safety equipment also brought WA in line with other Australian jurisdictions.

He said there would not be any changes for most skippers as they could continue to carry Australian Standard lifejackets (AS 4758, AS 1512) when operating in unprotected waters in WA.

"The biggest change will be for consumers as there are specially designed lifejackets for boating, sailing and other activities bearing the standard ISO 12402," Mr Adams said.

The WA Kite Surfing Association and Windsurfing WA lobbied DoT for the inclusion of the standards after the State became a signatory to the International Lifejacket Principles in 2013 and compulsory wearing of lifejackets was introduced for kite and windsurfers.

"Kite and windsurfers will welcome the inclusion and benefit significantly from a greater choice of purpose designed lifejackets with the international standard," Mr Adams said.

"These jackets have features specific to the activity they are used for and provide a better fit and are more comfortable."

Kite surfers, windsurfers and paddlers are required to wear a lifejacket when operating more than 400 metres from shore in unprotected waters.

For more information about the lifejacket standards required to be compliant with State marine laws people should read the free DoT guide available at

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Page last updated: Fri Oct 1 2021 11:38:59 AM