Geraldton information session to outline proposed changes to safety equipment

News for the Department of Transport


Geraldton skippers will have an opportunity to discuss proposed changes to safety equipment requirements at a special information session next week.

The Department of Transport (DoT) is hosting the event following the release of the Recreational Vessel Safety Equipment Review Position Paper for community comment.

The position paper, formulated following initial community consultation in March 2017, details 12 proposals including the compulsory wearing of lifejackets for children and by anyone on a vessel less than 4.8 metres in length, bringing WA into line with other States. DoT strongly advocates the wearing of lifejackets at all times when boating.

Under the proposed reforms recreational vessels will also not need to carry any safety equipment when operating in protected waters or within 400 metres of shore in unprotected waters.  Beyond 400 metres, vessels will require a GPS enabled distress beacon, plus either flares or an electronic night signalling device, and a marine radio will only be required when operating more than four nautical miles from shore.

DoT Maritime Deputy General Manager Ray Buchholz said it had been more than 25 years since the last review of safety equipment requirements for recreational vessels in WA and the reforms were designed to simplify laws making it easier for skippers to comply and save lives on the water.

“While boat owners and users are the target for the information sessions, it’s hoped those who have personal water craft (PWC) or regularly paddle, windsurf or enjoy kite surfing will also attend as these craft also require safety equipment,” Mr Buchholz said.

The Geraldton information session is on Wednesday 6 November 2019 from 5.30pm to 7pm at the Geraldton Yacht Club, 214 Marine Terrace, Geraldton.

To register to attend people can email or contact DoT on 9435 7901. If people can’t make an information session they can provide feedback on the proposals by visiting the website.

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Page last updated: Fri Oct 1 2021 11:38:59 AM