Focus on boat ramp traffic flow at Hillarys

News for the Department of Transport


Changes will be implemented at Hillarys Boat Harbour to improve traffic flow and reduce the impact of boat ramp queuing on the surrounding road network.

Following extensive traffic modelling, harbour manager, the Department of Transport (DoT), will next month trial alternative queuing arrangements for vehicles waiting to use the boat launching facility.

The changes will see queuing traffic diverted within the harbour to assist traffic flow across the facility and limit long queues and unsafe congestion along Hepburn Avenue, Whitfords Avenue and West Coast Drive.

DoT Director of Coastal Facilities Donna West said the new arrangements would be the subject of testing on the weekends of 17-18 April and 24-26 April, 2021 and with officers in place to assist users and monitor the traffic flow.

“If required, immediate adjustments will be made to the network during the testing period,” Ms West said.

“Hillarys is one of the most used boat ramps in the metropolitan area and at peak use times long queues severely impact traffic flow inside the facility and on the surrounding roads.

“DoT has worked closely with the City of Joondalup and Main Roads WA to develop a Traffic Management Plan for Hillarys to address the boat ramp queuing issue and improve the flow of traffic at the harbour.

“As the changes particularly focus on ramp queues it’s important that users observe the new signage on site and follow the revised layout. It’s hoped the modifications will reduce queuing time and give skippers more time on the water, while also generally improving safety across the facility.”
For more information about the changes visit our Hillarys facility page. 

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Page last updated: Fri Oct 1 2021 11:38:59 AM