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Regional communities urged to have their say on the draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020

News for the Department of Transport


Regional residents are encouraged to make their views heard on the draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020, which is open for comment.   
The draft Strategy sets out the future direction of aviation in WA, with a number of the recommendations and actions relating to regional airfares and air services.
Department of Transport Director of Aviation Peter Ryan said feedback from regional residents is important, given the impact regional airfares and air services have on those living and working in regional WA.
“We want to make sure the views from regional WA are considered to ensure we create the best possible policy direction for aviation in WA for the next five years,” Mr Ryan said.  
A series of workshops were held in Broome, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Newman, Onslow, Paraburdoo and Port Hedland in 2019.
“The ideas, questions and contributions from everyone who participated at the workshops last year provided great insights that have been used to inform the Strategy. A number of airfare initiatives which were put forward at the workshops are identified in the Strategy and are now in market.” 
The draft WA Aviation Strategy 2020 outlines actions and the proposed policy approach to help improve airfare affordability and air service connectivity for Western Australians. 
“Community feedback will help ensure we have an aviation industry that supports the future needs of WA, so I encourage everyone to provide their feedback,” he said. 
All feedback will be considered by the Government and will help shape the future of airfares and aviation in WA.
To provide feedback complete the online feedback form via the WA Aviation Strategy 2020 page via the My Say website. 
The public comment period closes 27 March 2020.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au  

Page last updated: Fri Mar 6 2020 12:43:29 PM