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Reconfiguration concept proposed for Jurien Bay Boat Harbour

News for the Department of Transport


A concept for the reconfiguration of Jurien Bay Boat Harbour will this week be shared with key stakeholders in the local community as part of ongoing work to address water quality issues at the facility.

Department of Transport (DoT) Manager Maritime Projects James Holder said the reconfiguration concept had been developed using the results of comprehensive data collection, research and trials during the past six years including wave monitoring, coastal modelling and environmental studies, dredging, trawling and the use of a bubble curtain to prevent wrack moving into the harbour.
“A number of reconfiguration proposals were ranked for practicality and viability before the preferred 90 metre spur groyne addition to the northern breakwater was selected,” Mr Holder said.

“Modelling of the positioning of the new groyne shows that a high percentage of the seagrass that would enter the harbour in the current arrangement, will either bypass the reconfigured entrance or stay on the northern side. This should result in a significant improvement in water quality within the harbour.”

This week the project team will gain initial feedback on the concept from key stakeholders as part of a study to determine the economic and social impacts of a reconfiguration of the entrance to the harbour. It’s envisaged broader community consultation will follow.

Mr Holder said the concept was an important step forward in the process of finding a long-term solution to the water quality issues at the harbour.

“DoT is working closely with the Shire of Dandaragan while funding options are being investigated and work on the detailed design and project approvals are being progressed,” Mr Holder said.

People wanting more information can visit our website and feedback can be provided by emailing JurienBoatHarbour.info@transport.wa.gov.au
Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Fri Jul 31 2020 3:45:04 PM