Transport projects Building For Tomorrow

Alerts for the Department of Transport


Building For Tomorrow – an information campaign and supporting website – was launched yesterday and provides information and updates on the major road, rail, cycling and marina projects in planning, underway or fast-tracked across WA.

Transport infrastructure projects, including cycling projects, are a key component in the State’s economic recovery from COVID-19.

Additional funding has been secured and major transport projects have been fast-tracked to support local jobs and businesses and help build WA’s economy back up.

In the long-term these projects will better connect areas of Perth and the regions, offer more choice in how you want to travel, and keep pace with demand.

Your travel may be impacted while these projects are under construction.

Visit the Building For Tomorrow website for information and updates on these major infrastructure projects, how construction might impact your travel, and help you make informed travel choices.

Page last updated: Fri Aug 21 2020 4:21:11 PM