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Staying safe on your bike

Insights and resources for the Department of Transport


When going for a bike ride, it’s always important to be alert on paths and roads and know how to stay safe.

Riding a bike is a fantastic, cheap way to get where you want to go, get some exercise in the process and can even be a stress reliever. Below are some things to remember to help keep you and others safe when going for a ride:

  • Before riding, check that your bike is safe and ready to go by doing the ABC bike safety check.
  • Wear a helmet and enclosed shoes.
  • Use a shared path as much as possible and be respectful of others using it – bike riders should always give way to pedestrians, including people walking, in wheelchairs, on rollerblades and skates.
  • When on a path, keep to the left and use your bell to let people know you are coming.
  • If you ride on the road, try to choose a quiet street and remember to use your hand signals to indicate when you’re turning.
  • If you ride on a public road you must obey the same rules as cars and you should always use bike lanes wherever possible.
  • When you need to, hop off your bike and walk it across the road.

Check out the Your Move resources page for more handy tips and guides to help you get riding.

Page last updated: Thu Oct 17 2024 10:44:15 AM