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Funding for sustainable coastal management

News for the Department of Transport


The sustainable management of one of WA's coastline is being promoted with $757,000 in funding available in the next financial year to local coastal managers.

The Department of Transport (DoT) today called for submissions in the latest round of Coastal Adaptation and Protection (CAP) Grants.

DoT Coastal Infrastructure General Manager Steve Jenkins said the funding would assist local coastal managers as they seek to better understand the WA coastline they are responsible for and work to adapt to the challenges presented.

"With a better understanding of the risks posed by coastal hazards local managers can make informed decisions leading to more sustainable coastal management," Mr Jenkins said.

The CAP grants program was introduced in 2012 to refocus coastal management efforts by local coastal managers and provide financial assistance for thorough investigation of local coastal hazards including erosion, accretion and inundation.

DoT also provides technical advice and other resources including coastal data to help managers deal with coastal change.

Last year 13 local authorities shared $750,295 in CAP grant funding to deliver projects benefiting local communities. These included $300,000 to the City of Wanneroo for the construction of coastal management structures and sand replacement at Quinns Beach in the implementation of the first stage of a long term coastal management strategy and $122,495 for the City of Albany for beach monitoring, the collection of detailed data and sand replacement works as part of the Emu Point to Middleton Beach Coastal Adaptation and Protection Strategy.

Coastal managers are invited to apply for grants up to 50 per cent of the total cost of a coastal adaptation project. Activities include monitoring, adaptation planning, asset management, adaptation and maintenance.

Visit www.transport.wa.gov.au/capgrants for detailed information, guidelines and application forms.

Submissions for the 2017/18 round close Monday 3 April 2017.

Media contact: Bronwyn Hillman 0408 098 220

Page last updated: Thu Oct 19 2017 2:31:11 PM