Boating changes to boost safety at Matilda Bay

News for the Department of Transport


Vessels over 10 metres in length will be subject to an extended speed restriction area at Matilda Bay after support for changes designed to improve safety for all river users by limiting wake and wash in the area.

Department of Transport (DoT) Manager Navigational Safety and Moorings Mark Briant said more than 60 percent of those who participated in the Matilda Bay Aquatic Use Review favoured an extension of the existing 8 knot area at Matilda Bay and a reduction in the size of vessel subject to the limit from 20 metres and greater down to 10 metres and greater.

More than 360 responses to an online survey targeting the boating community in November last year showed only 38 per cent supported the alternative proposal for a minor extension of the current 8 knot zone and no change to the size of vessel impacted.

"A larger 8 knot speed restriction area for all vessels more than 10 metres has now been implemented, extending east to the personal water craft (PWC) area boundary and south to Pelican Point, enhancing safety for the increasing number of river users in this area," Mr Briant said.

"Vessels larger than 10 metres travelling faster than 8 knots create significant wake and wash which can have a detrimental impact on the stability of other vessels and cause damage to marine facilities.

"Reducing the wash and wave energy created by passing vessels provides for safe, equitable and sustainable use of the waters of Matilda Bay as demand increases for a variety of aquatic activities in the Swan Canning Riverpark."

Key stakeholders, including the Department of Parks and Wildlife, Rowing WA, Yachting WA, clubs in Matilda Bay, commercial ferry operators, Recfishwest, Boating Industry Association of WA and Boating Western Australia were acknowledged by DoT for their support and role in the review process.

Mr Briant said the changes, reflecting local community views, would be the subject of an education campaign.

For more information about the aquatic review visit the Aquatic Use Reviews page.

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Page last updated: Thu Nov 30 2017 2:44:20 PM