Work starts on new groyne at Bremer Bay

News for the Department of Transport


The construction of a new 55 metre groyne on Fishery Beach at Bremer Bay will make boat launching significantly safer throughout the year for recreational enthusiasts and marine rescue authorities.

Department of Transport (DoT) Coastal Infrastructure General Manager Steve Jenkins said more than 2,000 tonnes of rock, sourced locally, would be used to create the groyne ahead of winter to prevent the build-up of sand which has hampered safe boat launching at Bremer Bay Boat Harbour seasonally for more than a decade.

DoT recently awarded Spearwood based company WA Limestone a $63,180 works contract to build the groyne - the main component of the $300,000 project part funded by the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme (RBFS). The project will also reduce the requirement to conduct maintenance dredging of sand material from the boat ramp.

"The assistance of the Shire of Jerramungup with the recovery of surplus rock from the construction of the original Bremer Bay Boat Harbour has resulted in anticipated cost savings for the project of more than $100,000," Mr Jenkins said.

"The groyne will provide visiting and local boat owners with ongoing access to a safe launching facility and ensure marine rescue services to the remote coastline.

"The project is another example of the excellent infrastructure delivered to the WA boating community through the RBFS which has seen funding allocated to 424 projects over 22 grant rounds with approximately $34.5 million expended and nearly $6 million committed to complete ongoing and new projects.

"In the latest round of the RBFS announced in April the Shire of Jerramungup was awarded $60,000 for design work to further improve the launching facility at Bremer Bay."

Access to the boat ramp will be maintained during the groyne construction. However, to ensure public safety restrictions will be in place on Fishery Beach. If possible, people are asked to avoid Fishery Beach during construction and stay up-to-date with progress of the works by visiting

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Page last updated: Fri Oct 20 2017 10:48:05 AM