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Preferred airlines announced for Carnarvon-Monkey Mia and Northern Goldfields air routes

News for the Department of Transport


Access to air services for communities, tourism and business is an important part of economic growth and social development in regional Western Australia.

In the interest of fairness and transparency and to ensure the best airline for each route, a competitive tender process for the Perth-Carnarvon/Monkey Mia and the Perth-Northern Goldfields (Meekatharra, Mt Magnet, Wiluna, Leonora and Laverton) air routes was conducted in June, with tenders closing August 30, 2017.

Regional Express (Rex) has been nominated as the preferred airline for the Perth-Carnarvon-Monkey Mia air route and Skippers Aviation for the Perth-Northern Goldfields air routes.

The current deeds of agreement between the State Government and Skippers Aviation for these air routes expire on July 1, 2018. The Government acknowledges the air services provided by Skippers to these communities for many years.

To ensure air services on the air routes continue without interruption it was essential the Carnarvon-Monkey Mia and Northern Goldfields air routes were tendered in 2017.

As part of the tender process, airlines that tender for regulated air routes must respond to specific criteria to ensure air services are appropriate for each regional community in which they operate.

Subject to successful negotiations, the airlines will enter into a five year deed of agreement with the State for the respective routes, details of schedules and air fares will be announced when the deeds are signed in early 2018.

Comments attributed to Peter Ryan, A/ Executive Director Transport Strategy and Reform, Department of Transport:

"The State Government is committed to ensuring aviation services are a reliable, efficient and accessible transport option for regional WA.

"The Carnarvon/ Monkey Mia and the Northern Goldfields air routes are regulated by the State Government to ensure efficient, effective and regular air services occur on these routes.

"The preferred airlines both have a good track record in providing aviation services in WA.

"Once appointed, the airlines operating on the regulated air routes must meet a range of a requirements set by Government, including the provision of regular route statistics and engagement with local communities and stakeholders to ensure they are meeting community needs and Government expectations."

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Fri Dec 22 2017 7:42:49 AM