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West Morley Primary students get on board Junior Crew

News for the Department of Transport


Students at West Morley Primary School will have an opportunity to climb on board a patrol vessel and witness a flare demonstration next week as part of the Department of Transport's Junior Crew program.

DoT's Manager Safety Education Laurie Adams said Junior Crew was a popular primary school education program providing WA's next generation of boat skippers' early learning about safety on the water.

"DoT officers will be attending West Morley Primary next Monday (May 28, 2018) talking to students from years five and six about safety equipment, weather, overloading and buoyancy of a boat and the importance of logging on and logging off for each voyage," Mr Adams said.

"The highlight of the visit will be an opportunity for students to inspect a working patrol vessel and experience first-hand the noise and colour of activated flares in a special demonstration.

"While the incursion is designed as a fun and engaging learning opportunity, there is a serious message for the students reinforcing the importance of safety on the water, not only for skippers but also passengers."

Junior Crew was launched in 2009 to introduce children in years three, four and five to water safety with fun hands on learning activities and since the program was updated last year 100 schools from throughout the State, including 32 in the metropolitan area, have implemented the program.

The program aligns with recent changes to the school curriculum in WA and provides teachers with a bank of resources which provide students with a basic understanding of the skills and knowledge required to be safe on the water.

For more information about the Junior Crew program or to order a resource pack teachers can visit our Junior Crew page.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Mon Jun 18 2018 10:37:40 AM