Old4New lifejacket program visits Mindarie Marina

News for the Department of Transport


Skippers can replace their old, damaged, obsolete or foam filled lifejacket with a new modern more comfortable one for $65 when the Department of Transport (DoT) visits the boat ramp at Mindarie Marina this weekend.

DoT Manager Safety Education Laurie Adams said the Old4New lifejacket upgrade program, delivered in conjunction with the Royal Life Saving Society of Western Australia, would be available at the marina for the first time.

"In the past two years more than 2,000 lifejackets and vouchers, to upgrade at a retail store, have been provided as part of the program - taking the same number of unsafe lifejackets off boats in WA," Mr Adams said.

"The aim of the program is to change boater behaviour and increase the number of people wearing a lifejacket because the statistics show those wearing one have a greater chance of survival in an emergency on the water. Marine investigation data shows that in 11 of the 18 deaths (61%) on WA waters in the past two years wearing a lifejacket could have saved their life."

Mr Adams said the arrival of spring next week would see skippers returning to the water after a winter break and it was vital they checked their safety gear, the boat and its equipment remained in good working order.

"Now is also the perfect time for skippers to commit to always wearing their lifejacket when out on the water and upgrade their old one with the Old4New initiative," Mr Adams said.

Limits and restrictions are in place to ensure the benefits of the program apply to as many vessels as possible so people who want to participate should check the guidelines on the Lifejackets page.

Old4New will be at the boat ramp at Mindarie Marina from 9am to 10am on Saturday August 25, 2018. To get the latest boating safety information like MarineSafetyWA on Facebook or visit the Marine section.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Tue Aug 28 2018 8:25:33 AM