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Dredging to start at Johns Creek, Point Samson

News for the Department of Transport


For the first time since its redevelopment nearly 20 years ago, the Department of Transport (DoT) will dredge Johns Creek Boat Harbour.

DoT Coastal Infrastructure General Manager Steve Jenkins said the maintenance dredging campaign would begin in late August and was vital for continued safe access to the facility for recreational and commercial craft.

"It is one of the largest dredging projects DoT will undertake this year, costing $1.3 million and taking approximately five months to complete," Mr Jenkins said.

"An estimated 40,000 cubic metres of sand will be taken from the boat harbour inner basin, fairway basin and channel. Dredging operations will be restricted to Monday to Saturday for the duration of the project.

"The dredged material, to be pumped through a series of floating and submerged pipes, has been approved to be deposited south west of the harbour."

DoT commenced environmental planning for the Johns Creek Boat Harbour maintenance dredging campaign in 2016. The project was referred to Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to assess potential environmental impacts associated with dredging and disposal. A Dredge Environmental Management Plan has been developed consultation with EPA and outlines environmental monitoring, management and contingency measures that will be undertaken during the maintenance dredging campaign.

The redevelopment of the boat harbour was completed in 2000 and involved the deepening of the basin and construction of three entrance breakwaters.

When navigating near the dredge, skippers should always make radio contact with the dredge to ensure it is safe to pass. Radio frequencies are: VHF 81 and Marine 27 MHz Channel 90.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Mon Sep 3 2018 9:13:26 AM