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Warning to skippers as boating safety reinforced at Crab Fest

News for the Department of Transport


Boat owners planning to view the Crab Fest fireworks from the water are being urged to check their navigation lights and other safety equipment before the event to ensure their night out is incident free.

Department of Transport (DoT) Senior Marine Officer Adam Rando said skippers should check their vessel’s navigation lights as part of the routine safety checks undertaken before a voyage and it’s recommended they carry spare bulbs on board.

He said the Crab Fest was an opportunity to put a spotlight on boating safety and give the high number of local boating enthusiasts access to the latest promotions and information.

“At Crab Fest and at local boat ramps DoT will be promoting equipment maintenance including boat trailers and giving boat owners the chance to take the 30 Second Challenge to measure their readiness for an emergency on the water,” Mr Rando said.

“On each day of Crab Fest (March 16 and 17, 2019) local boat owners will also be able to take advantage of the successful Old4New lifejacket upgrade, which allows skippers to replace their old, damaged, obsolete or foam filled lifejacket with a new modern more comfortable one for $65.”

The Old4New initiative, delivered in conjunction with the Royal Life Saving Society of Western Australia, spearheads a State-wide education campaign promoting the benefits of wearing lifejackets at all times while boating.

Old4New is available from 10am to 12 noon each day at DoT’s Marine Safety Education Trailer located on the Mandurah Terrace foreshore (north of the children’s playground).

To avoid disappointment, it’s important that people wanting to participate in the program read the Old4New guidelines at the Lifejackets page to check if their jackets qualify for an upgrade and to find out more information.

All vessels on the water between sunset and sunrise are required to display the appropriate navigation lights.

Boat owners are also reminded that temporary on water closures and special arrangements are in place for Crab Fest including:

  • A vessel holding area will be established downstream from the location drawn from Carter Street north east to Dorsodura Way for the fireworks display.
  • Vessels will not be permitted to anchor within a 250-metre radius of the fireworks launching area and there will be no entry permitted to the closed waters.

DoT Marine Officers will be patrolling during the event to monitor safety compliance and assist members of the local boating community. For more information about the on-water arrangements for the event boat owners can contact 1300 863 308.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Fri Mar 1 2019 11:48:22 AM