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Green light for water skiing at Lake Mullocullup

News for the Department of Transport


The Great Southern has a new water ski area at Lake Mullocullup, east of Albany.

Following a request from the City of Albany, the Department of Transport (DoT) today formally gazetted the lake, 75 kilometres east of Albany, as a water ski area and set out special rules for its safe operation.

DoT Navigational Safety and Moorings Manager Mark Briant said the City requested the creation of a ski area late last year following community consultation.

He said safety signage at the lake would provide users with key information about the operation of ski area.

“The area operates from 9am to 5pm, skiing is not allowed within 30 metres of the shore, the activity is prohibited if the water level falls below 1.5 metres and the western and northern area of the lake are closed to motorised vessels at all times,” Mr Briant said.

“These arrangements will ensure the safe operation of the area and allow a variety of water users to share the waterway safely.”

Mr Briant said the lake had been informally used for the activity for many years before the City banned motorised vessels in 2015 to allow for a comprehensive investigation of future use.

He said there had been significant work undertaken by the City, in consultation with DoT, to progress the formal gazettal including a hydrographic survey and on-water inspection of the lake which had confirmed the site was suitable for water skiing.

“Safety was a key consideration in progressing the gazettal and it was also confirmed that water skiing is allowed on a registered site under the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972,” Mr Briant said.

The City of Albany has been asked to undertake an assessment of the launch facilities, access and waste disposal arrangements for the site.

DoT will extend safety education and compliance patrols to the area and there's more information on the Water skiing page about the operation of the ski area and safety requirements for water skiing.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Fri Mar 29 2019 9:19:38 AM