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Regional workshops provide innovative ideas for lower airfares

News for the Department of Transport


Feedback from airfare and air services workshops conducted on the nine unregulated air routes in WA, produced some innovative ideas that will help inform the review of the State Aviation Strategy.

The workshops and community drop-ins were held in Broome, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Newman, Paraburdoo, Port Hedland and Onslow, as part of the State Government’s implementation of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Regional Airfares.

Iain Cameron, A/ Managing Director Department of Transport said that the workshops were a positive step forward in exploring different ways to reduce airfares in regional WA.

“The workshops allowed stakeholders and community representatives the opportunity to directly engage with the airlines servicing their town and work together to find possible solutions to lowering airfares in regional WA,” Mr Cameron said. 

“Some of the most popular ideas regarding fares included reducing fares for travel within 24 to 72 hours of departure, capping community fares, fixed pre-purchase price for a set number of tickets, special fares on low-demand flights and introducing standby fares.”

Other ideas included improving airline community engagement, collecting route data, increasing information on accessing lower fares, and considering the feasibility of more interstate and interregional connections.

Feedback from over 240 stakeholders and community members at the workshops and community drop-ins demonstrated there is still significant frustration in the regions regarding air fares and air services, but an eagerness to work together to find solutions.

“I thank all those involved in giving their time at the workshops and commend the airlines – Qantas, Virgin and Airnorth – for their commitment and engagement in the workshops, listening to each regional community’s concerns and ideas,” he said.

“Collaboration and innovation between all stakeholders, as demonstrated in these workshops, is critical to achieving improvements in regional airfares and air services.

“The innovative ideas and feedback collected through the workshops is being further explored as part of the review of the State Aviation Strategy.”

The workshops were well-attended by senior representatives of the respective airlines (Qantas, Virgin and Airnorth), local government and private airport operators, small businesses, the resources sector, tourism industry, State Government stakeholders, and community groups.

For updates on the review of the State Aviation Strategy, please visit the State Aviation Strategy and airfares review page.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Tue Jul 30 2019 12:41:51 PM