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Vessel groundings following weekend’s tropical cyclone

News for the Department of Transport


Following the passage Tropical Cyclone Damien in the state’s north west over the weekend, the Department of Transport (DoT) is currently coordinating the recovery of a number of vessels.

It is confirmed that a total of 12 unmanned commercial and recreational vessels broke loose from cyclone moorings and ran aground as Cyclone Damien passed over Dampier on Saturday evening.

Eight vessels are confirmed to be in State waters and the recovery of these vessels will be led by DoT as the state hazard management agency for marine transport emergencies in State waters.

The recovery of the remaining four vessels in Port waters will be coordinated by the Pilbara Port Authority. 

DoT is working closely with the Pilbara Port Authority and vessel owners to safely recover the vessels and minimise any harm to the environment.

Port Walcott remains closed to large vessel movements. Condition assessments of John’s Creek Boat Harbour and local navigation aids are also currently being coordinated by DoT. 

Vessel masters are advised to exercise caution while navigating in the area.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au or Angelika Fawcett Director DoT Communications 0413 557 887.

Page last updated: Mon Feb 10 2020 5:39:19 PM