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No change for upper reaches of the Swan River following consultation

News for the Department of Transport


The Department of Transport (DoT) will not progress changes to aquatic use in the upper reaches of the Swan River after two proposals failed to attract community support in recent consultation.

DoT Director Waterways Management Chris Mather said of the more than 2,000 people who responded to an online survey, 1561 rejected a proposed two year trial allowing personal water craft (PWC) to navigate as a vessel upstream of the Windan Bridge and nearly half did not want changes to the boundary of the ski area at Belmont.

“The Swan River (Upper Reaches) Aquatic Use Review attracted a high level of interest and comment from a diverse range of riverpark users with more than half identifying as paddle craft users and around one quarter being recreational boat owners,” Mr Mather said.

“The long-established aquatic use review process ensures the community has a say in the safe, equitable and sustainable use of WA waterways as our population grows and demand increases for a variety of aquatic activities.

“Following repeated requests for change to the current rules from PWC owners, DoT included the proposed two-year trial for PWC to operate upstream of the Windan Bridge knowing the aquatic use review process would allow people to comment and the feedback would be considered prior to making a final determination.”

Mr Mather said the boundary of the water ski area at Belmont would also remain unchanged.

The proposals presented for community comment were the result of initial consultation with key stakeholders, including City of Belmont, City of Swan, City of Bayswater, Town of Bassendean and Town of Victoria Park and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

The Swan Canning Riverpark Boating Guide contains information about aquatic activity boundaries.

Visit www.transport.wa.gov.au/boatingguides or request a copy by contacting DoT on 13 11 56.

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Wed Jan 27 2021 12:15:00 PM