Peel skippers need correct, operational navigation lights

News for the Department of Transport


Skippers in the Peel region planning to take in the Christmas lights from the Mandurah canals are being reminded to check they have correct, operational navigation lights before they set out.

Department of Transport (DoT) Senior Marine Officer Adam Rando said it was illegal to be on the water after dark without the correct combination and fully operational navigation lights, including tender vessels of larger craft.

“December is one of the busiest times on the water in the Peel region after dark with thousands of people navigating the canals to see the Christmas light displays,” Mr Rando said.

“Skippers should check their vessel’s navigation lights are operational as part of the routine safety checks undertaken before a voyage and it’s recommended they carry spare bulbs on board.

“It’s strongly recommended skippers prepare by doing a BEST check to ensure their Boat, Equipment, Safety equipment and Trailer are all in good working order. Also that lifejackets be worn, and vessels carry flares and a suitable anchor to avoid drift.

“Skippers are also urged to adjust vessel speed to limit wash and be courteous and patient on the water and at the ramps, as Mandurah’s canals become increasingly busy in the coming weeks.”

DoT produces a handy guide promoting safe navigation of the Mandurah canals which contains tips for safe navigation at all times on the growing network of canals in the Peel region.

Visit the DoT website for a copy of the Mandurah Canal Navigation guide - and get details of the BEST check on the Maintaining your boat page.

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Page last updated: Thu Dec 10 2020 2:29:38 PM