Rex to continue operating Albany and Esperance air routes until mid-2023

News for the Department of Transport


The Department of Transport has granted regional airline Rex an extension on its current deed of agreement to operate the air services between Perth and Albany, and Perth and Esperance.

Rex’s current five-year deed to service the two routes was due to expire on 27 February 2021 but has been extended until 30 June 2023. 

Department of Transport Director Aviation Peter Ryan said Rex will continue to have exclusive rights to operate the two air routes under the deed, with the same terms and conditions.

“Given the current uncertainty in the aviation market, extending Rex’s agreement to keep operating these flights for the next two years gives certainty to people who travel between Perth, and Albany and Esperance,” Mr Ryan said.

“The extension of Rex’s deed of agreement for the Esperance and Albany air routes to 30 June 2023 aligns them with the current terms of three other fully regulated air routes operating under deeds of agreement, Carnarvon-Monkey Mia and two Northern Goldfields routes, which include the towns of Mt Magnet, Meekatharra, Wiluna, Laverton and Leonora.

“This will allow all five routes to be tendered together once their current terms expire, enabling airlines to consider all regulated air routes at the one time.”

Rex has been providing 14 return flights per week on the Albany route and 13 on the Esperance route.

“Ensuring this current level of service continues is vitally important to ensure local residents have frequent and affordable flights to and from Perth,” Mr Ryan said.

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Page last updated: Tue Feb 9 2021 5:02:57 PM