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Exmouth’s Town Beach replenished in time for summer

News for the Department of Transport


Work has started to widen Town Beach using sand currently trapped north and south of the Exmouth Boat Harbour breakwater.

Department of Transport (DoT) Director of Coastal Facilities Donna West said the $320,000 sand bypassing and replenishment project would see about 25,000 cubic metres of sand relocated during a month-long campaign.  

“To ensure the entrance to the boat harbour remains safe for navigation sand will be excavated using heavy machinery and trucked to Town Beach where a grader will create a natural beach profile,” Ms West said 

“The majority of the sand will be taken from Neale Cove, south of the harbour, where the sediment build up could endanger safe navigation at the entrance channel.

“The work, due for completion in mid-December, assists the natural drift of sand and will replenish Town Beach and assist eroding beaches to the north.

“When complete the local community will enjoy a wider Town Beach in time for the summer season.”

Beachgoers are asked to observe the warnings in place and keep well clear of the works which will occur during daylight hours from Monday to Friday.

DoT will implement traffic management measures to enhance safety as trucks move between the three sites.

For more information about DoT’s dredging and sand bypassing program visit our website.  
Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Wed Dec 8 2021 12:45:40 PM