Industry mobilised to ramp up active travel to school

News for the Department of Transport


Representatives from government and the non-government sector gathered at an industry briefing event to commit to a way forward in reducing barriers and promoting the benefits of active travel to school.

The Hon Rita Saffioti MLA, Minister for Transport launched the multi-year Active Travel to School Roadmap with key stakeholders, encouraging attendees to consider opportunities for collaboration and to focus on tangible initiatives that will improve rates of children walking and riding to school.

It comes following the release of the Department of Transport’s report, The Declining Rate of Walking and Cycling to School in Perth, and subsequent creation of an Active Travel to School Working Group.

The national rate of active travel to school has dropped from 75% to 25% over the past 40 years, while in Perth the rate of students riding or walking to school is at 20%.

Michelle Prior, A/Executive Director Urban Mobility, Department of Transport said work is already underway to improve these statistics.
“We have a number of programs and initiatives already in place, including expanding the potential for the Your Move program over the next five years from 196 registered schools, to reach 450 schools,” Ms Prior said.

“Further work to consult local governments, provide better pedestrian and shared paths, improve planning outcomes, build end of trip facilities at new schools, and deliver cycling and road safety education programs will be critical in increasing the number of young people participating in active travel.

“We all have a role to play in supporting a culture of active travel to school and delivering projects that allow children to participate in those modes of travel.

“The Roadmap provides a sound base and springboard to working collaboratively across government and across the sector to make sure we can enable more kids to walk, cycle, scoot and catch public transport to school.

“The launch of the Roadmap is also timely in the lead up to National Ride2School Day on Friday, 24 March 2023, an important celebration and call to action for families to leave the car at home and get to school in a more active way.”

To read a copy of the Roadmap, visit the Your Move Programs page.  

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Page last updated: Thu Mar 23 2023 10:32:49 AM