$3.5 million for coastal erosion and support planning projects

News for the Department of Transport

  • More than $3.5 million in coastal erosion grants allocated in the third year of the CoastWA program
  • 37 coastal projects throughout metropolitan and regional WA to benefit
  • $1.75 million to deliver major infrastructure projects at high-priority erosion hotspots

Major coastal planning and protection projects in Denmark, Geraldton, Mandurah, and Busselton are among 37 projects to share in almost $3.6 million in State Government funding through CoastWA.

CoastWA is the State Government's $33.5 million strategic response to the increasing impacts of coastal hazards to ensure long-term sustainable land use and development of our coast.

Read the Minister's full media statement.

Page last updated: Thu Jun 29 2023 4:23:01 PM