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Comment sought on navigation aids at Onslow, Rottnest and Carnarvon

News for the Department of Transport


Skippers who navigate waters off Onslow, Rottnest Island or Carnarvon are being asked to tell the Department of Transport if they still use particular navigation aids in these areas.

Department of Transport (DoT) Navigational Safety Manager Mark Briant said three aids to navigation including the Beadon Point rear lead, the Bathurst Point lighthouse and the Babbage Island light were being considered for decommissioning and input from skippers was sought.

"Informal discussions with local marine and fishing groups in each location indicates the aids are no longer required for safe navigation and could be decommissioned," Mr Briant said.

Mr Briant said in the case of the Bathurst Point lighthouse the proposal was only to decommission the light and the historic lighthouse would be maintained in line with heritage requirements.

"In recent times DoT has enhanced navigation around Rottnest Island with upgrades and new installations especially around the north eastern and eastern ends of the Island where the bulk of boating and on water activities take place," Mr Briant said.

"At Onslow, the tower and light known as the rear lead, built in 1926 to help ships navigating to the jetty at Beadon Point in conjunction with the front lead, is recommended for removal.

"The front lead has already been decommissioned leaving the rear lead with no purpose for safe navigation and there is now safe access to Onslow through the well-marked Beadon Creek channel which is lit with navigation marks.

"The Babbage Island light at Carnarvon was used as a landfall beacon by ships transiting to One Mile Jetty. However, the jetty is no longer in use and vessels visiting the town now gain access via the lit navigational channel to the south."

DoT is responsible for developing and maintaining an extensive network of navigation aids within WA waters to provide safe passage for recreational and commercial vessels.

"DoT currently manages more than 1,300 navigation aids in WA and works closely with stakeholders to identify projects and works to improve navigation and keep boat owners and their passengers safe," Mr Briant said.

Comments detailing current usage of the navigation aids and views on possible decommissioning are sought by Wednesday November 21, 2018.

Skippers can visit the Navigation aids page to participate in an online survey [since closed].

Media contact: media@transport.wa.gov.au

Page last updated: Thu Nov 29 2018 2:11:04 PM