Cape Peron to Albany - Notices to Mariners
Chart 1083 - Albany
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
23 | 05/11/2024 | Delete (front) Lit yellow spar buoys and text Fl Y 4.5s in positions 35° 3.20' S 118° 0.91' E 35° 5.00' S 118° 0.36' E Lit yellow spherical buoy, associated magenta circle and text 4Fl Y 2.5s in position 35° 04.79' S 117° 58.69' E Insert (front) Lit yellow spherical buoy and text Fl Y 2.5s in position 35° 04.79' S 117° 58.75' E Insert dashed magenta line demarking wave energy installation area between positions 35° 4.65' S 117° 58.65' E 35° 4.64' S 117° 58.85' E 35° 4.80' S 117° 58.85' E 35° 4.80' S 117° 58.65' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
22 | 24/07/2024 | Advise (front and back) Aquaculture areas have been modified throughout to reflect the latest lease boundaries. Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download. |
21 | 06/04/2023 | Delete (back, Oyster Harbour Inset) Lit special beacon with text Fl Y 3s in positions 34° 58.80' S 117° 57.01' E 34° 58.34' S 117° 57.04' E 34° 58.93' S 117° 57.61' E Insert (back, Oyster Harbour Inset) Lit special buoy with top mark and text Fl Y in position 34° 58.30' S 117° 56.99' E Lit special buoy without topmark, and text Fl Y in position 34° 58.57' S 117° 56.98' E 34° 58.81' S 117° 56.99' E 34° 58.42' S 117° 57.55' E 34° 58.81' S 117° 57.39' E 34° 58.05' S 117° 58.04' E 34° 58.85' S 117° 58.55' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
20 | 09/02/2022 | Advise (Front) A wave buoy array has been installed in position 35° 04.79' S 117° 58.69' E The wave buoy array is marked by a 225m radius circle with dashed magenta line and text CAUTION Scientific Instruments. A caution note has been added to the chart note block. Insert (Front) Lit yellow spherical buoy with text 4Fl Y 2.5s in position 35° 04.79' S 117° 58.69' E Lit yellow spar buoys with text Fl Y 4.5s in positions 35° 3.20' S 118° 0.91' E 35° 5.00' S 118° 0.36' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
19 | 01/10/2021 | Insert (Back, Oyster Harbour Inset) Lit can buoy with text Fl Y 4s in position 34° 57.854' S 117° 57.327' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
18 | 22/02/2019 | Insert (front) Anchorage berths with 560 metre swing radii in positions W 35° 04.70' S 117° 59.40' E X 35° 02.00' S 118° 00.00' E Y 35° 03.60' S 118° 01.00' E Z 35° 04.40' S 117° 57.40' E Delete (front and Albany Inner Harbour Inset) Major light and text FR in position 35° 02.10' S 117° 53.74' E |
17 | 23/02/2018 | Amend (Albany Inner Harbour Inset) Light character from Fl G 4.5s to Fl G 3s in position 35° 01.94' S 117° 53.27' E Light character from Fl R 4.5s to Fl R 3s in position 35° 01.98' S 117° 53.32' E Insert (Oyster Harbour Inset) Unlit port beacon with top mark in position 34° 56.42' S 117° 58.56' E Starboard top mark to unlit beacon in position 34° 57.29' S 117° 58.51' E |
16 | 03/07/2017 | Advise (front) Changes to depths at Gio Batta Patch in King Sound. Download this block insert for Albany NTM 16 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. Delete (Oyster Harbour Inset) Unlit pile in position 34° 59.30' S 117° 58.34' E |
15 | 25/01/2017 | Remove (Oyster Harbour and Emu Point Boat Harbour Insets) Top mark from lit red port buoy in position 34° 59.26' S 117° 56.85' E Substitute (Front and Oyster Harbour and Emu Point Boat Harbour Insets) Unlit starboard beacon with lit starboard beacon, top mark and text Fl G 3s 3M in position 34° 59.59' S 117° 56.73' E |
14 | 20/12/2016 | Advise (Oyster Harbour Inset) The aquaculture lease boundaries and navigation aids have changed. Download this block insert for Albany NTM 14 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. Substitute (Emu Point Boat Harbour Inset) Unlit starboard beacon 3A with lit starboard beacon, top mark and text Fl G 3s 3M in position 34° 59.44' S 117° 57.06' E |
13 | 21/07/2016 | Delete (front) Lit wreck with text Fl Y 5s 2M in position 35° 04.79' S 115° 58.08' E The identification of the Perth wreck has changed. Insert Submerged wreck and lit yellow spar buoy with text Fl(4) Y 10s 2M in position 35° 04.79' S 115° 58.08' E |
12 | 06/07/2016 | Delete (Albany Inner Harbour Inset) Depth text 1.4 in position 35° 02.33' S 117° 54.68' E Insert Depth text 0.7 in position 35° 02.33' S 117° 54.67' E Depth text 1.1 enclosed by contour in position 35° 02.19' S 117° 54.81' E Amend (front) Aquaculture area boundary has changed in position 35° 03.93' S 117° 56.65' E |
11 | 15/06/2016 | Insert (front) Depth text 14.9 enclosed by contour in position 35° 01.69' S 117° 57.33' E |
10 | 27/05/2016 | Insert (front) Lit west cardinal pillar buoy with top mark and text VQ(9) 10s 5.1m 4.6M in position 35° 02.88' S 117° 59.53' E |
9 | 19/04/2016 | Insert (Emu Point Boat Harbour Inset) Sounding with value of 0.8 in position 34° 59.45' S 117° 57.06' E |
8 | 04/11/2015 | Advise (front) Shoaling has occurred in King George Sound. Download this block insert for Albany NTM 8 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
7 | 18/08/2015 | Substitute (Main and Inner Harbour Inset) Lit green spar buoy, with lit green starboard pillar buoy and top mark in position 35° 02.39' S 117° 54.63' E The light character is unchanged - Fl G 1.5s 2M |
6 | 02/06/2015 | Remove (Oyster Harbour Inset) Overhead power line information at Lower Kalgan Bridge and Lower King Bridge. The overhead conductors have been replaced with underground cables. |
5 | 07/05/2015 | Substitute (Oyster Harbour Inset) Unlit beacon with lit north cardinal beacon, top mark and text Q 2M in position 34° 59.31' S 117° 57.92' E |
4 | 25/02/2015 | Insert (front) Breaksea Island light characters to Fl(2) 6s 119m 13M & Oc R 1.5s 119m 15M in position 35° 03.87' S 118° 03.31' E Text to read White Obscured in position 36° 06.66' S 118° 00.84' E Insert (Breaksea Island Light - front) Light sector between 020·0° - 043·5° with text Red Arc of Visibility Light sector between 036·0° - 040·5° south of Bald Head with text Red Obscured Light sector between 040·5° - 043·5° south of Bald Head with text Red Arc of Visibility |
3 | 04/12/2014 | Substitute (front and Emu Point Inset) Unlit starboard beacon with lit starboard spar buoy, without top mark and light character Fl G 3s 2.5M in position 35° 00.03' S 117° 56.92' E and Unlit starboard beacon with lit starboard beacon, top mark and light character Fl G 3s 2.5M in position 34° 59.94' S 117° 56.99' E |
2 | 29/05/2014 | Advise (Oyster Harbour Inset) Aquaculture site established and water ski boundary adjusted. Download this block insert for Albany NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 03/04/2017 | Insert (front) Lit yellow spar buoys without top marks and text Fl Y 5s in positions 35° 01.29' S 117° 55.30' E 35° 05.21' S 117° 56.76' E |
Chart 1681 - Augusta
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
7 | 14/02/2020 | Insert Magenta text note in title block. MARINE SANCTUARY WA Sanctuary Zones may be defined with floating marker buoys. Refer to Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions publications for further information. |
6 | 05/09/2018 | Advise Submarine cable location amended near the shore in Flinders Bay. Anchoring is prohibited within 100 metres either side of the submarine cable when inside Western Australian state waters. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
5 | 20/08/2018 | Advise All fishing is restricted inside the Sanctuary Zones now established in the vicinity of Cape Leeuwin and Flinders Bay. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
4 | 04/05/2018 | Advise Submarine Cable caution note added. |
3 | 05/07/2017 | Amend Light character text to Fl 7.5s 56m 25M in position 34° 22.50' S 115° 08.03' E |
2 | 26/06/2017 | Delete Aquaculture boundaries and associated text centred on 34° 21.72' S 115° 11.06' E 34° 21.69' S 115° 11.73' E 34° 22.45' S 115° 12.37' E Insert Magenta text CAUTION Aquaculture see Note in position 32° 22.35' S 115° 12.16' E and enclosed by dashed magenta line between positions 34° 21.30' S 115° 11.48' E 34° 22.46' S 115° 12.78' E 34° 22.99' S 115° 12.11' E 34° 21.83' S 115° 10.82' E |
1 | 17/02/2016 | Delete Unlit port mark in position 34° 19.34' S 115° 10.06' E Unlit starboard mark in position 34° 19.31' S 115° 10.09' E |
Chart 755 - Bouvard
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
19 | 03/10/2023 | Substitute (front) Unlit spar buoy with lit spar buoy and text Fl Y 3s in positions 32°37.45' S, 115°39.01' E 32°37.20' S, 115°39.54' E 32°37.45' S, 115°39.58' E 32°37.72' S, 115°39.61' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
18 | 17/01/2023 | Insert (front) Lit east cardinal buoy without topmark and text Q(3) 10s 1M in position 32°38.61' S, 115°39.13' E Advise (back) The back sheet of chart Bouvard WA 755 covering the waters of Harvey Estuary has been removed. Please refer to chart Harvey Estuary WA 848 for coverage of these waters. Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
17 | 15/06/2022 | Insert (front and back) Text Obstruction and a danger line boundary with vertices in positions 32°38.55' S, 115°39.02' E 32°38.61' S, 115°39.13' E 32°38.70' S, 115°39.03' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
16 | 24/01/2022 | Amend (front) Light character text to FL(2) 15s 51m 7M for major light in position 32°41.196' S, 115°36.838' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
15 | 16/01/2020 | Remove (front and reverse) The 8 knot speed restriction in the navigable channel between the Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary, north of Point Grey, has been removed. |
14 | 24/12/2018 | Insert (front and reverse) Lit starboard mark with top mark and text Fl G 4s 2M in positions 32° 37.04' S 115° 39.09' E |
13 | 09/08/2018 | Insert (front) Magenta swimming prohibited dashed line between positions 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.70' E and 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.85' E Magenta text Swimming is prohibited within the Dawesville Channel in position 32° 36.66' S 115° 38.22' E Magenta text CAUTION - 8 knots in the Harvey Channel in position 32° 36.30' S 115° 40.57' E Advise (Dawesville Channel Inset) Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 13 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
12 | 28/06/2017 | Advise Changes have occurred to existing navigation aids, and new navigation aids have been installed in the Dawesville Channel and Harvey Estuary. Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 12 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
11 | 22/12/2016 | Remove (Dawesville Channel Inset) Swimming Prohibited Area dashed magenta line and associated magenta text, and over-beach launching symbol and associated text, at Falcon Bay. |
10 | 22/12/2016 | Amend (Front) Starboard beacon navigation aid text to Fl G 4s 7m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.40' E (Dawesville Channel Inset) Port beacon navigation aid text to Fl R 4s 8m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.98' E and starboard beacon navigation aid text to Fl G 4s 7m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.55' E Insert (Dawesville Channel Inset) Lit port beacon with top mark and text Fl R 4s 8m 5M in position 32° 35.92' S 115° 37.84' E |
9 | 09/02/2016 | Substitute (reverse) Unlit port beacons with lit port beacons, top marks and text Fl R 3s in positions 32° 40.00' S 115° 39.31' E 32° 40.00' S 115° 39.37' E and Unlit starboard beacons with lit starboard beacons, top marks and text Fl G 3s in positions 32° 39.98' S 115° 39.33' E 32° 39.98' S 115° 39.39' E |
8 | 12/05/2015 | Advise (front & reverse) Waterway use regulations have changed in the Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary. Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 8 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. Insert (reverse) Dashed magenta 5 knot speed restriction line between positions 32° 36.50' S 115° 45.00' E 32° 37.45' S 115° 45.00' E 32° 37.45' S 115° 43.42' E 32° 37.92' S 115° 43.42' E Substitute Text 4 knots with text 5 Knots in positions 32° 45.71' S 115° 42.46' E (front) 32° 45.68' S 115° 42.66' E (reverse) 32° 44.87' S 115° 42.22' E (reverse) |
7 | 08/05/2015 | Insert (front & reverse) Minor lights with text Fl R 4s in positions 32° 36.13' S 115° 38.08' E 32° 36.24' S 115° 38.07' E 32° 36.57' S 115° 38.86' E and Minor lights with text Fl G 4s in positions 32° 36.13' S 115° 38.11' E 32° 36.23' S 115° 38.05' E 32° 36.59' S 115° 38.90' E |
6 | 07/05/2015 | Substitute (front & reverse) Unlit east cardinal beacons with lit east cardinal beacons, top marks and text Q(3) 10s in positions 32° 40.04' S 115° 39.44' E 32° 40.12' S 115° 39.46' E and Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon, top mark and text Fl R 3s in position 32° 41.02' S 115° 40.70' E |
5 | 06/09/2012 | Advise All waters in the bay adjacent to the beach at the north east end of Castaway Canal North Port Wannanup in position 32° 35.08' S 115° 38.35' E are regulated as Closed Waters to Motorised Vessels. |
4 | 20/12/2010 | Advise (front) Additional navigation aids are installed in the navigable channel linking Harvey Estuary and Peel Inlet. Mariners are advised that all port and starboard beacons now display synchronised lights. Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 4 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
3 | 20/12/2010 | Advise (Dawesville Channel Inset) Additional navigation aids are installed in the navigable channel linking Harvey Estuary and Peel Inlet. Mariners are advised that all port and starboard beacons now display synchronised lights. Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
2 | 20/12/2010 | Advise (reverse) Mariners are advised that port and starboard beacons now display synchronised lights. The Water Ski and PWC Area is defined by unlit yellow buoys. Download this block insert for Bouvard NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 13/08/2009 | Substitute Unlit starboard beacon with lit starboard beacon and text Fl G 3s 2M in position 32° 37.55' S 115° 38.66' E and Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon and text Fl R 3s 2M in position 32° 37.56' S 115° 38.64' E |
Chart 859 - Bunbury to Port Geographe
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
15 | 21/02/2025 | Advise (main and Bunbury Harbour inset) Navigable water gazettal boundaries have been updated throughout Koombana Bay. A new breakwater is under construction. Mariners are advised to keep clear of construction zones while traversing. Insert (main and Bunbury Harbour inset) Lit starboard buoy and light character text Fl G 3s in position 33°18.67' S, 115°38.62' E (Bunbury Harbour inset) Lit port buoy and light character text Fl R 3s in position 33°18.67' S, 115°38.59' E Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
14 | 12/11/2024 | Amend (main) Marine Park boundaries have been amended Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
13 | 10/04/2024 | Substitute (main) Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon in position 33°19.36' S, 115°38.48' E (Bunbury Harbour inset) Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon and text Fl R 3s in position 33°19.36' S, 115°38.48' E Remove (main) Major light in positions 33°19.24' S, 115°38.46' E 33°19.25' S, 115°38.51' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
12 | 11/10/2022 | Advise (Port Geographe Marina inset) A spoil ground has been added centred in position 33° 37.41' S 115° 23.71' E Depths may be shoaler than charted. Mariners are advised to use caution when transiting the area. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
11 | 21/07/2020 | Delete (Bunbury Harbour Inset) 6 lit yellow spar buoys and text 6Fl Y 5s near position 33° 18.52' S 115° 38.68' E Delete Text PWC Freestyle Area and associated linework near position 33° 18.34' S 115° 38.43' E Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
10 | 14/02/2020 | Insert Magenta text note in title block. MARINE SANCTUARY WA Sanctuary Zones may be defined with floating marker buoys. Refer to Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions publications for further information. |
9 | 05/09/2018 | Advise All fishing is restricted inside the East Geographe Sanctuary Zone established within the waters of Geoagraphe Bay. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
8 | 24/07/2018 | Amend (Title Block) 2015 Tidal Plane values adjusted for Bunbury Download this block insert for Bunbury to Port Geographe NTM 8 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
7 | 17/07/2018 | Delete (front and Bunbury Harbour Inset) Light and text 2F G in position 33° 19. 25' S 115° 38.48' E and Light and text 2F R in position 33° 19. 25' S 115° 38.50' E |
6 | 01/05/2018 | Insert (Bunbury Harbour Inset) Sounding text 4.3 within enclosed 5m and 10m contours in position 33° 16.70' S 115° 39.42' E |
5 | 07/02/2018 | Advise (Bunbury Harbour Inset) Bridge clearance values added. Minor changes made to topographic details along the Koombana Bay foreshore. Download this block insert for Bunbury to Port Geographe NTM 5 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
4 | 08/02/2017 | Insert (Inset) Lit starboard beacon with top mark and text Iso G 3s in position 33° 17.66' S 115° 38.93' E |
3 | 24/01/2017 | Move (Main and Port Geographe Marina Inset) Lit green starboard pillar buoy and text Q G 5M from position 33° 37.68' S 115° 23.32' E to position 33° 37.63' S 115° 23.23' E |
2 | 03/10/2016 | Insert (Port Geographe Marina Inset) Magenta text note in position 33° 38.61' S 115° 22.78' E CAUTION During the winter and spring months, weed build-up may occur in the Marina entrance channel. Mariners are cautioned accordingly. |
1 | 13/04/2016 | Amend Light character of special buoy from Q Y to Fl Y 5s in position 33° 19.57' S 115° 37.35' E |
Chart 966 - Cape Naturaliste
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
24 | 12/11/2024 | Amend (main) Marine Park boundaries have been amended Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
23 | 12/10/2022 | Advise (Port Geographe Marina inset) A spoil ground has been added centred in position 33° 37.41' S 115° 23.71' E Depths may be shoaler than charted. Mariners are advised to use caution when transiting the area. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
22 | 29/08/2022 | Delete Lit yellow beacon and text FL Y 5s in position 33°38.312' 115°20.724' Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download. |
21 | 16/11/2020 | Insert Lit yellow spar buoys without top marks, and text Fl Y 4s in positions 33° 32.37' S 115° 02.26' E 33° 32.52' S 115° 02.73' E |
20 | 14/02/2020 | Insert Magenta text note in title block. MARINE SANCTUARY WA Sanctuary Zones may be defined with floating yellow lit marker buoys. Refer to Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions publications for further information. |
19 | 05/09/2018 | Advise All fishing is restricted inside the Sanctuary Zones now established in the vicinity of Cape Naturaliste and Geographe Bay. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
18 | 05/07/2017 | Amend Light character text to Fl(2) 10s 123m 26M in position 33° 32.22' S 115° 01.43' E |
17 | 24/01/2017 | Move (Main and Port Geographe Marina Inset) Lit green starboard pillar buoy and text Q G 5M from position 33° 37.68' S 115° 23.32' E to position 33° 37.63' S 115° 23.23' E |
16 | 20/10/2015 | Insert Minor light with text F Bu 2M in positions 33° 36.08' S 115° 06.35' E 33° 37.86' S 115° 08.94' E 33° 39.38' S 115° 15.38' E |
15 | 02/06/2015 | Substitute Lit yellow spar buoy without top mark and text Fl Y 5s, with lit yellow beacon without top mark, and text Fl Y 5s in position 33° 38.31' S 115° 20.72' E |
14 | 21/04/2015 | Advise Port Geographe Marina breakwater entrance and navigation aid upgrades. Download this block insert for Cape Naturaliste NTM 14 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
13 | 11/12/2014 | Insert Lit yellow spar buoy without top mark, and text Fl Y 4s 2M in position 33° 39.28' S 115° 00.40' E |
12 | 02/04/2014 | Insert Lit yellow spar buoys without top mark, and text Fl Y 5s in positions 33° 38.31' S 115° 20.72' E 33° 34.35' S 115° 05.59' E |
11 | 06/05/2013 | Insert Fish Haven symbol with depth (22) and text Dunsborough Reef (Artificial) in position 33° 33.96' S 115° 09.98' E |
10 | 24/04/2013 | Insert This notice is cancelled by NTM 11. Danger circle with depth 22m and text Dunsborough Reef (Artificial) in position 33° 33.96' S 115° 09.98' E |
9 | 13/09/2012 | Amend (Port Geographe Marina Inset) Light character of starboard beacon to Q G 3m 2M in position 33° 37.897' S 115° 23.35' E |
8 | 22/06/2012 | Amend Busselton Jetty light character to Fl R 3s in position 33° 37.74' S 115° 20.30' E |
7 | 20/07/2011 | Substitute Unlit yellow spar buoys with lit yellow spar buoys without top mark, and text Fl Y 3s in positions 33° 38.20' S 115° 18.08' E 33° 37.83' S 115° 19.45' E 33° 37.46' S 115° 20.82' E |
6 | 29/06/2011 | Advise Motorised vessels are prohibited at Meelup and Castle Bay. The areas are marked by yellow spar buoys. Download this block insert for Cape Naturaliste NTM 6 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
5 | 22/04/2010 | Move Lit spar buoy and text from position 33° 37.52' S 115° 22.88' E to position 33° 37.55' S 115° 22.79' E |
4 | 18/01/2010 | Advise New reference area for chart AUS 116 is defined. Download this block insert for Cape Naturaliste NTM 4 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
3 | 18/01/2010 | Advise Geographe Bay has revised the Navigable Waters Regulation Area boundaries. Unlit yellow spar buoys define the Water Ski Take-off Area within the Swimming Prohibited Area at Point Templar. Download this block insert for Cape Naturaliste NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
2 | 18/01/2010 | Advise Navigable Waters Regulation Area boundaries have been revised in Geographe Bay. Unlit yellow spar buoys are used to define these areas. Reference box to chart AUS116 is removed. Download this block insert for Cape Naturaliste NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 18/01/2010 | Delete Unlit Yellow buoy and text Fish Haven (21) in position 33° 35.05' S 115° 10.14' E Insert Text Artificial Reef in same position |
Chart 913 - Cape Peron to Dawesville
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
25 | 20/01/2025 | Advise (back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel) Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed surrounding Mandurah Bridge at 32°32.94' S, 115°43.07' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
24 | 18/11/2024 | Amend (front and Cape Peron inset) Lit port beacon light character text to Fl R 3s 3M in position 32°14.95' S, 115°41.74' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
23 | 03/10/2023 | Substitute (front) Unlit spar buoy with lit spar buoy and text Fl Y 3s in position 32°35.52' S, 115°44.12' E (back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel inset) Unlit spar buoy with lit spar buoy and text Fl Y 3s in positions 32°37.45' S, 115°39.01' E 32°37.20' S, 115°39.54' E 32°37.45' S, 115°39.58' E 32°37.72' S, 115°39.61' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
22 | 22/02/2023 | Delete (front and Mandurah To Dawesville Channel inset) Lit port beacon with topmark and text Fl R 3s in position 32°32.65' S, 115°42.80' E Insert (front and Mandurah To Dawesville Channel inset) Lit red port buoy without topmark and text Fl R 3s in position 32°32.69' S, 115°42.79' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
21 | 10/01/2023 | Delete (back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Lit spar buoy and text Fl(2) R 5s in position 32°18.63' S, 115°43.08' E Lit spar buoy and text Fl(2) G 5s in position 32°18.64' S, 115°43.11' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
20 | 25/11/2022 | Delete (back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Lit spar buoy and text Fl(2) R 5s in position 32°18.54' S, 115°43.14' E Lit spar buoy and text Fl(2) G 5s in position 32°18.55' S, 115°43.16' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
19 | 14/03/2022 | Delete (front and Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Arc of visibility centred in position 32°35.00' S, 115°41.70' E Insert (front and Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Danger line boundary with vertices in positions 32°34.88' S, 115°41.63' E 32°34.87' S, 115°41.80' E 32°34.96' S, 115°41.72' E 32°34.97' S, 115°41.66' E Amend (front and Cape Peron Inset) Starboard beacon light range from 5M to 3M in position 32°16.18' S, 115°41.92' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
18 | 24/01/2022 | Advise (Back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed in Mandurah Estuary at 32°31.972' S, 115°43.111' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
17 | 18/10/2021 | Insert (Front) Unlit yachting buoys in positions 32°30.904' S, 115°42.304' E 32°30.121' S, 115°42.439' E 32°29.931' S, 115°43.599' E 32°30.691' S, 115°43.299' E (Back, Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Unlit yachting buoy in position 32°30.904' S, 115°42.304' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
16 | 22/06/2021 | Amend (front and Cape Peron Inset) 6 navigation aids at Bent Street Boat Ramp Safety Bay in approximate position 32° 18.60' S 115° 43.10' E Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
15 | 13/02/2020 | Insert (front) Lit port beacon with top mark, and text Fl G 4s 5M in position 32° 35.50' S 115° 44.64' E Lit west cardinal beacon with top mark, and text Q(9) 15s 2M in position 32° 35.18' S 115° 44.77' E |
14 | 23/01/2020 | Remove (Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) The 8 knot speed restriction in the navigable channel between the Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary, north of Point Grey, has been removed. |
13 | 23/01/2020 | Delete (front and Dawesville Inset) Lit special spar buoy with top mark and text Fl Y 4s 3M in position 32° 15.05' S 115° 43.65' E (Dawesville Inset) Lit spar buoys without top marks and text Fl Y 4s 3M in positions 32° 14.19' S 115° 42.51' E 32° 13.97' S 115° 42.67' E Advise (front and Dawesville Inset) Paper charts AUS 114 and AUS 111 have been withdrawn from use by the Royal Australian Navy. References to these chart boundaries have been removed. |
12 | 24/12/2018 | Insert (front and reverse) Lit starboard beacon with top mark, and text Fl G 4s 2M in position 32° 37.04' S 115° 39.09' E Amend (front and reverse) Halls Head light range to 11M in position 32° 31.59' S 115° 42.00' E |
11 | 08/08/2018 | Advise (Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Navigable waters regulations have changed in the Dawesville Channel and Peel Inlet. Download this block insert for Cape Peron to Dawesville NTM 11 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
10 | 08/08/2018 | Advise (front) Infrastructure detail added to chart. Grain silos East Rockingham. Tower (conspic) Golden Bay. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
9 | 28/06/2017 | Advise Changes have been made to the light characteristics of numerous navigation aids in the Mandurah Estuary, the Peel Inlet and the Harvey estuary. Download this block insert for Cape Peron to Dawesville NTM 9 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
8 | 27/02/2017 | Insert (front) Magenta text Marine Farm (see note) enclosed by dashed magenta line between positions 32° 21.08' S 115° 42.94' E 32° 21.31' S 115° 43.17' E 32° 21.25' S 115° 43.26' E 32° 21.02' S 115° 43.04' E Amend CAUTION NOTES text box in position 32° 31.00' S 115° 27.50' E to include magenta text Marine Farms Mariners are advised that floating and submerged hazards exist in this area. Special Marks identify areas of operation. |
7 | 25/01/2017 | Amend (Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Yellow buoy light character text from Fl Y to Iso Y in positions 32° 32.67' S 115° 43.22' E 32° 32.72' S 115° 43.34' E 32° 32.80' S 115° 43.46' E |
6 | 22/12/2016 | Amend (Mandurah to Dawesville Channel Inset) Port beacon navigation aid text to Fl R 4s 8m 5M in positions 32° 35.90' S 115° 37.97' E 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.98' E and starboard beacon navigation aid text to Fl G 4s 7m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.56' E (Front) Port beacon navigation aid text to Fl R 4s 8m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 38.10' E and starboard beacon navigation aid text to Fl G 4s 7m 5M in position 32° 35.98' S 115° 37.40' E Insert (Front) Lit port beacon with top mark and text Fl R 4s 8m 5M in position 32° 35.91' S 115° 37.84' E |
5 | 27/07/2016 | Delete (front) All four lit cardinal pillar buoys, their flash characters, and magenta text Wave Energy Converter Site in position 32° 15.04' S 115° 39.05' E Insert Foul ground with text (21) in position 32° 15.04' S 115° 39.05' E |
4 | 08/07/2016 | Insert (front) Fish haven with text (20.7) in position 32° 31.58' S 115° 35.03' E |
3 | 16/06/2016 | Advise (front) Depths have been changed along Five Fathom Bank. Download this block insert for Cape Peron to Dawesville NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
2 | 10/06/2016 | Advise (front and reverse) Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed in the Rockingham/Safety Bay area. Download this block insert for Cape Peron to Dawesville NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 05/05/2016 | Delete (front and reverse) Magenta text Aerial Freestyle Area in position 32° 16.12' S 115° 43.81' E Delete (front and reverse) Magenta line between positions 32° 16.31' S 115° 43.91' E 32° 16.23' S 115° 44.01' E 32° 16.20' S 115° 43.98' E |
Chart 698 - Hardy Inlet
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
4 | 28/02/2008 | Advise The ocean entrance to Hardy Inlet has moved approx. 1200m to the north east. This is a particularly dynamic piece of coastline and the entrance may continue to move. Mariners are advised accordingly. |
3 | 29/11/2007 | Amend Unlit isolated danger beacon, with unlit port beacon and top mark in position 34° 19.02' S 115° 09.75' E |
2 | 29/11/2007 | Delete Starboard beacon with top mark in position 34° 17.00' S 115° 10.96' E |
1 | 29/11/2007 | Insert Unlit port beacon with top mark in positions 34° 16.19' S 115° 11.96' E 34° 19.32' S 115° 09.84' E Unlit starboard beacon with top mark in position 34° 16.24' S 115° 12.03' E 34° 16.78' S 115° 11.87' E 34° 18.27' S 115° 09.76' E Unlit spar buoy without top mark in position 34° 19.50' S 115° 10.00' E |
Chart 337 - Wilson Inlet
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
12 | 23/05/2023 | Insert Unlit yellow spar buoy without top mark in position 34° 59.19' S 117° 22.87' E This buoy marks sub-surface water monitoring equipment. Mariners are advised to keep well clear of the buoy at all times. Changes are visible on the updated chart available for free download. |
11 | 09/10/2020 | Advise Two aquaculture licence areas exist in the Wilson Inlet. Additional unlit port and starboard beacons with top marks are installed at the Poddyshot Bay boat ramp. Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
10 | 22/03/2016 | Advise Changes to Navigable Waters Regulations have occurred in the Wilson Inlet and surrounding rivers. Download this block insert for Wilson Inlet NTM 10 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
9 | 22/03/2016 | Amend Magenta text from Closed Waters All Vessels to Closed Waters Motorised Vessels in position 35° 01.73' S 117° 20.12' E |
8 | 22/03/2016 | Insert Lit yellow spar buoys without top marks, and text Fl Y 3s in positions 34° 59.50' S 117° 20.86' E 35° 00.14' S 117° 20.21' E These buoys mark rock shallows. |
7 | 30/07/2012 | Advise Denmark River entry channel navaids are lit and synchronised with 3 second flash interval. Download this block insert for Wilson Inlet NTM 7 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
6 | 30/07/2012 | Delete Unlit beacon post in position 34° 59.19' S 117° 27.09' E |
5 | 22/03/2012 | Advise Marine use boundaries are established in Ratcliffe Bay at Ocean Beach. Download this block insert for Wilson Inlet NTM 5 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
4 | 01/04/2009 | Substitute This notice is cancelled by NTM 7. Unlit port beacon, with lit port beacon with top mark and text Fl R 3s in position 34° 58.36' S 117° 22.23' E |
3 | 18/05/2004 | Insert Lit isolated danger beacon and text Fl(2) 6s 2M in position 34° 59.95' S 117° 20.44' E |
2 | 18/05/2004 | Insert Lit north cardinal beacon and text Q 2M in position 34° 59.37' S 117° 23.89' E |
1 | 18/05/2004 | Insert Lit south cardinal beacon and text Q(6)+LFl 15s 2M in position 34° 59.24' S 117° 27.10' E |
Chart 1046 - Nornalup Inlet
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
6 | 15/08/2018 | Delete Unlit port beacon with top mark in position 35° 00.48' S 116° 42.39' E Unlit starboard beacon with top mark in position 35° 00.47' S 116° 42.41' E Substitute Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon, top mark and text Fl R 3s 3M in position 34° 58.75' S 116° 43.46' E |
5 | 30/05/2016 | Delete Unlit beacon without top mark in position 35° 01.37' S 116° 44.11' E |
4 | 17/02/2015 | Delete Unlit spar buoy in position 35° 00.14' S 116° 46.25' E |
3 | 16/04/2013 | Advise Marine use boundaries and navigation aids have changed on Nornalup and Walpole inlets. Download this block insert for Nornalup Inlet NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
2 | 22/03/2012 | Advise A water ski area has been established at Sealers Cove in the Nornalup Inlet. Download this block insert for Nornalup Inlet NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 20/07/2011 | Insert Lit isolated danger spar buoy without top mark, and text Fl(2) 10s 2M in position 35° 01.8' S 116° 44.57' E |
Chart 019 - Peaceful Bay
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
5 | 24/05/2010 | Insert Lit port spar buoy with top mark and text Fl R 2M in position 35° 02.62' S 116° 55.84' E |
4 | 24/05/2010 | Insert Lit starboard spar buoy with top mark and text Fl G 2M in position 35° 02.57' S 116° 55.81' E |
3 | 24/05/2010 | Insert Lit starboard spar buoy with top mark and text Fl G 2M in position 35° 02.54' S 116° 55.79' E |
2 | 23/01/2009 | Insert Lit front lead with text F B 10m 3M in position 35° 02.49' S 116° 55.71' E Lit rear lead with text F B 15m 3 in position 35° 02.48' S 116° 55.70' E Dashed lead line between positions 35° 02.48' S 116° 55.70' E 35° 03.32' S 116° 56.65' E Bearing text 317·1° along lead line in position 35° 03.27' S 116° 56.59' E |
1 | 23/01/2009 | Delete Front lead in position 35° 02.49' S 116° 55.73' E Rear lead in position 35° 02.47' S 116° 55.72' E Delete associated lead line and bearing text. |
Chart 848 - Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
15 | 20/01/2025 | Advise (front, main) Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed surrounding Mandurah Bridge at 32°32.94' S, 115°43.07' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
14 | 03/10/2023 | Substitute (front, main and back) Unlit spar buoy with lit spar buoy and text Fl Y 3s in positions 32°37.45' S, 115°39.01' E 32°37.20' S, 115°39.54' E 32°37.45' S, 115°39.58' E 32°37.72' S, 115°39.61' E (front, main) Unlit spar buoy with lit spar buoy and text Fl Y 3s in positions 32°36.34' S, 115°44.64' E 32°36.34' S, 115°44.12' E 32°35.52' S, 115°44.12' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
13 | 22/02/2023 | Delete (front, main) Lit port beacon with topmark and text Fl R 3s in position 32°32.65' S, 115°42.80' E Insert (front, main) Lit red port buoy without topmark and text Fl R 3s in position 32°32.69' S, 115°42.79' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
12 | 17/01/2023 | Insert (back) Lit east cardinal buoy without topmark and text Q(3) 10s 1M in position 32°38.61' S, 115°39.13' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
11 | 28/10/2022 | Delete (front, main) Arc of visibility centred in position 32°35.00' S, 115°41.70' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
10 | 15/06/2022 | Insert (front, main) Text Obstruction and a danger line boundary with vertices in positions 32°34.88' S, 115°41.63' E 32°34.87' S, 115°41.80' E 32°34.96' S, 115°41.72' E 32°34.97' S, 115°41.66' E Insert (back, main) Text Obstruction and a danger line boundary with vertices in positions 32°38.55' S, 115°39.02' E 32°38.61' S, 115°39.13' E 32°38.70' S, 115°39.03' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
9 | 24/01/2022 | Advise (Front, Main and Inset) Navigable waters regulation boundaries have changed in Mandurah Estuary at 32°31.972' S, 115°43.111' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
8 | 18/10/2021 | Insert (Front) Unlit yachting buoy in position 32°30.904' S, 115°42.304' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
7 | 13/02/2020 | Insert (front) Lit port beacon with top mark, and text Fl G 4s 5M in position 32° 35.50' S 115° 44.64' E Lit west cardinal beacon with top mark, and text Q(9) 15s 2M in position 32° 35.18' S 115° 44.77' E |
6 | 16/01/2020 | Remove (front and reverse) The 8 knot speed restriction in the navigable channel between the Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary, north of Point Grey, has been removed. |
5 | 24/12/2018 | Insert (front and reverse) Lit starboard mark with top mark, and text Fl G 4s 2M in positions 32° 37.04' S 115° 39.09' E Amend (front and reverse) Halls Head light range to 11M in position 32° 31.59' S 115° 42.00' E |
4 | 22/08/2018 | Substitute (front) Lit starboard beacon with lit green spar buoy without topmark in position 32° 34.36' S 115° 48.89' E The light character is unchanged. |
3 | 15/08/2018 | Amend (front Inset) Light range from 3M to 5M for buoys at Mandurah Bridge in positions 32° 32.07' S 115° 43.03' E 32° 32.06' S 115° 43.06' E 32° 32.12' S 115° 43.05' E 32° 32.11' S 115° 43.08' E |
2 | 10/08/2018 | Advise (front and Dawesville Channel Inset) Speed restrictions and navigation aid amendments in the Dawesville and Harvey Channels. Download this block insert for Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 10/08/2018 | Advise (front and Inset) New bridge and navigation aid changes in Mandurah. Download this block insert for Peel Inlet and Harvey Estuary NTM 1 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
Chart 776 - Preston to Bunbury
Notice number | Notice date | Notice description |
13 | 21/02/2025 | Advise (front and back) Navigable water gazettal boundaries have been updated throughout Koombana Bay. A new breakwater is under construction. Mariners are advised to keep clear of construction zones while traversing. Insert (front) Lit north cardinal buoy in position 33°18.43' S, 115°38.75' E Insert (back) Lit starboard buoy and light character text Fl G 3s in position 33°18.67' S, 115°38.62' E Lit port buoy and light character text Fl R 3s in position 33°18.67' S, 115°38.59' E Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
12 | 10/04/2024 | Substitute (back) Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon and text Fl R 3s in position 33°19.36' S, 115°38.48' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
11 | 01/04/2022 | Substitute (front and back) Unlit starboard beacon with lit starboard beacon and text Fl G 3s in position 33°16.67' S, 115°42.36' E Unlit port beacon with lit port beacon and text Fl R 3s in position 33°16.66' S, 115°42.36' E Changes are visible on the updated chart available as a free download. |
10 | 21/07/2020 | Delete (reverse) 6 lit yellow spar buoys and text 6Fl Y 5s near position 33° 18.52' S 115° 38.68' E Delete Text PWC Freestyle Area and associated linework near position 33° 18.34' S 115° 38.43' E Details are shown on the updated chart available as a free download. |
9 | 17/07/2018 | Delete (reverse) Light and text 2F G in position 33° 19. 25' S 115° 38.48' E and Light and text 2F R in position 33° 19. 25' S 115° 38.50' E |
8 | 01/06/2018 | Substitute (reverse) Unlit starboard beacons with lit starboard beacons, top marks and text Fl G 3s in positions 33° 18.14' S 115° 41.22' E 33° 18.17' S 115° 41.36' E 33° 18.24' S 115° 41.48' E and Unlit port beacons with lit port beacons, top marks and text Fl R 3s in positions 33° 18.13' S 115° 41.24' E 33° 18.16' S 115° 41.38' E 33° 18.23' S 115° 41.50' E |
7 | 01/05/2018 | Substitute (front and reverse) Sounding text 8.6 with sounding text 4.3 within enclosed 5m contour in position 33° 16.70' S 115° 39.42' E |
6 | 07/02/2018 | Advise (reverse) Bridge clearance values added. Minor changes made to topographic details along the Koombana Bay foreshore. Download this block insert for Preston to Bunbury NTM 6 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
5 | 08/02/2017 | Insert (front and reverse) Lit starboard beacon with top mark and text Iso G 3s in position 33° 17.66' S 115° 38.93' E |
4 | 31/03/2014 | Insert (reverse) Lit yellow spar buoy without top mark, and text Fl Y 5s in position 33° 19.56' S 115° 37.36' E |
3 | 12/03/2014 | Advise (front) CAUTION - Desalination outfall information. Download this block insert for Preston to Bunbury NTM 3 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
2 | 13/01/2014 | Advise (front) Mariners are advised of changes to the 8 knot speed restriction areas, water ski areas, PWC areas and navigation aids in the Port of Bunbury. Download this block insert for Preston to Bunbury NTM 2 as a PDF file that can be printed without scaling and pasted onto your paper chart. |
1 | 24/04/2013 | Insert (front and reverse) Fish Haven symbol with depth (12.7) and text Bunbury Reef (Artificial) in position 33° 18.50' S 115° 35.90' E |